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you can get these at disneyland/disneyworld... i got one that looked like a bear from animal kingdom for my bf...
(5 years and 3151 days ago)congrats on first... honestly, i would have to say your lighting is a bit horrible, but your structure, and execution is excellent. also could be sharper.... (i give hard critiques to quality work... you can handle it, im sure...besides, you got first! congrats!)
(5 years and 3207 days ago)all in all, good stuff!
lol, for a second i thought this was for the harry potter ride at universal studios... hahaha... attention fail.
(5 years and 3207 days ago)congrats.. i had a feeling you would win...
(5 years and 3208 days ago)awww damn, i thought that was a bunch of shrooms... i got excited. lol!
(5 years and 3210 days ago)its like easter for musicians... lol
(5 years and 3210 days ago)my suggestion would be to add a slight blur on the beetles, and do a levels adjustment and bring down the lightness (the slider underneath the shadows/highlights/midtone slider section) so that the blacks on the beetles match the blacks on the rest of the image... then make the entire image black and white, so that its all quite uniform, instead of 1 colored beetle. lol
(5 years and 3210 days ago)wait, theres a band called butthead? lolll!!! and its your favorite?!

: if that were true, all you gotta do is re-upload to the proper contest and flag your image as being misplaced, or inappropriate for the guidelines... simple fix
(5 years and 3210 days ago)EDIT: oh hahahahahaha! sorry, i must have been confused on which page i was on! my bad... lol
(5 years and 3210 days ago)wow, nice work, author.. good luck!
(5 years and 3210 days ago)hey, i used that stock for dreams in black and white... woot! http://www.behance.net/gallery/Dreams-in-Black-and-White/287900
(5 years and 3223 days ago)nicely done!
(5 years and 3223 days ago)nicely done author
my favorite... not only is the quality of the image great but unfortunately (for most of the other entries) this doesnt appear to be flat like most of the rest. which is great! honestly i dont see much competition here, and if you dont get first, or second, i will be stumped. lol... great work! even the foreground pops out, or in, which ever lol!
(5 years and 3223 days ago)yeah, when i look at this and i cross my eyes, it remains looking flat, not 3D... (i feel silly asking this) are you sure you took 2 pictures, and if you did, are you sure you didnt just use one of them and shift it??? theres nothing 3D here
(5 years and 3223 days ago)lets see some light coming out of the panels that make up her body... its just black... shes a robot, make her look like a robot lol! (not like im saying all robots have glowing things but for the aesthetic value, it will seriously bring it up a few notches)
(5 years and 3223 days ago)Gilbert Gottfried was recently fired from aflac... lol! (he was the voice of the duck if you didnt already know)
(5 years and 3275 days ago)it does look good, its a nice picture, but in the SBS i cant really see where you restored anything besides just really changing the color of the image and raising the contrast... can you explain what else you did? just curious cause i must be missing something
(5 years and 3288 days ago)what a fatass! nice! hahaha lol. good work!
(5 years and 3288 days ago)i think its fine dark... its night time with no lights really... its supposed to be dark. i wouldnt lighten it up any more... if you must go that route in one way or another, instead bring out more details at the focal points to make them more pronounced, and bring in a little more detail in the darker parts to keep it balanced.
(5 years and 3288 days ago)lens flare is unnecessary
(5 years and 3288 days ago)holy shit dude! good luck!
(5 years and 3288 days ago)Nice one!!!
(5 years and 3356 days ago)are they related to the underpants gnomes made famous by south park?
(5 years and 3366 days ago)lawl awesome!
(5 years and 3366 days ago)nice job on the rain... im kinda tired of all the noise and motion blur+screen type rain.. this looks alot better... is that how you did it? it really does look nice though...
(5 years and 3366 days ago)would look better i think if you removed the grass texture on the very top where the arches are, and if you lowered the saturation on the rest of the grass, and darkened it a bit. would make it look less fake.
(5 years and 3366 days ago)lol! whats with the water??? and why is it so deep on such a flat surface? just saying. no offense but is the use of water a lazy way of making the legs look more real- you dont need to work on the detail+footprints+shadows? dont get me wrong, its not a bad entry, but im wondering what the reason is for the water? its like it just came out of no where...
(5 years and 3366 days ago)looks pretty luxurious to me
(5 years and 3366 days ago)woah nice!
(5 years and 3368 days ago)something i would do with the strings that hold up the swans... maybe take your pen tool and draw out some lines that tightly wrap around your wires so it has more of a rope feel to it using a brush size of about 1 px with some shading in parts... will make it more dynamic and real looking... it would be a shame if you kept this entry the way it is being that it looks great, but the wires look pretty crappy. they could use a lot of improving. but over all i like it alot. its a small detail, but it kinda stands out like a sore thumb.
your overlapping step on the left, it drops down, on top, making the motion from top left to bottom right (to the middle) un convincing and kills the illusion, unlike the crossing section on the right which looks good. not sure if that makes sense, but if it makes it easier, try spotting the difference between the two overlapping step sequences and fix the bit on the left so it looks more like the bit on the right.
(5 years and 3577 days ago)wow, your cloning skills need some "brushing up" lol... looks good, but its really patchy! try masking in a new wooden texture, instead of this one.
(5 years and 3578 days ago)this entry deserves a much better position on the charts...
(5 years and 3578 days ago)i think you should lower the body a bit, in reality that seems a bit high... looks good tho overall imo
(5 years and 3579 days ago)nice, this is so much better than your other ones.... blending needs a bit of work.
(5 years and 3580 days ago)i was gonna say "wow nice reflections!" but then i realised that its a render, and of course it looks good. lol. this is interesting though
(5 years and 3598 days ago)its easy, just open your psd (if you still have it) and just reveal each layer and describe what you did for each new layer you revealed. simple. thats what i do... sbs's arent tutorials, they are to showcase the authenticity of the techniques used, and so that we know something wasnt ripped off... if you have progress pics, then we know you did it. (not speaking on this project, speaking on all projects everyone does)
(5 years and 3598 days ago)i thought this was a photo... @_@
(5 years and 3599 days ago)i dont get it...
(5 years and 3599 days ago)i heat you too...
(5 years and 3599 days ago)shadow on earth would be much harder than that... almost a straight line... use this as a reference... http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01550/earth_1550513c.jpg
(5 years and 3599 days ago)what?! no way! that looks so realistic! bravo, amazing work! no offense to the other people here on pxleyes, but this is the last thing i would expect on here... goes way beyond my expectations of the work on this site. incredible!
(5 years and 3599 days ago)lol
(5 years and 3599 days ago)that looks way too huge to be realistic...
(5 years and 3629 days ago)EDIT: you have inaccurate perspective... and yes actually i do see UFO's all the time by definition. i see things fly that i cannot personally identify.
no, quite the opposite, you should emphasise the shadows more... shadows and lighting are key, but shadows need work on the bottom right of the ball.. just make it darker so its not all the same lightness
(5 years and 3631 days ago)lol... chickpeas!
(5 years and 3631 days ago)congrats on getting first place.... lol
(5 years and 3631 days ago)note: check your shadows ABOVE the shoulder that you didnt mask out completely... you gots a hard edge..
looks a bit brown...
(5 years and 3686 days ago)its not a blur effect its extremely poorly used patch tool/patch healing brush work.
(5 years and 3687 days ago)lol... your so racist...
(5 years and 3687 days ago)i love the cold sore on the left.... too bad that one is actually real.
(5 years and 3689 days ago)