Old Glory

For: stripes contest
This is actually Stadium High School in Tacoma WA. It was built in 1891 as the finest hotel on the west coast, however, plans changed, and it became a high school in 1906 which it has been ever since.
For: town history contest
So this is actually an HDR pano of the moon shot with a Canon 550D through a Meade LX90 8" telescope. It has a fixed F-stop of F10. The equivalent DSLR lense would be right around 2300mm. It was taken just before sunset. 6 shots total: -1EV/0EV/+1EV HDR through Photomatix Pro 3 Stitched...
For: astro hdr contest
4 shot pano of the Milky Way
Canon 20D 18mm -2ev, 0ev, +2ev
For: three hdr contest
Canon 20D 11mm -2ev, 0ev, +2ev Custom WB
For: three hdr contest
T2i (handheld) 11mm -2ev, 0, +2ev Photomatix Pro 3 Photoshop CS5
For: three hdr contest
18mm 25 sec single exposure ISO3200
For: time lapse 2 contest
For: instruments contest
Comments were set to private and it won't let me change it. Sorry. Thanks for all the wonderful comments.
For: roads contest