The 3D Cro-Magnon

Archaelogist discovered the artifact which prove that the first art form was 3D. About 150.000 years BPS (before Photoshop). 3DS Max. Render with Defult Scanline Render. Thanks to Alelink for his great MaxScript.
Archaelogist discovered the artifact which prove that the first art form was 3D. About 150.000 years BPS (before Photoshop). 3DS Max. Render with Defult Scanline Render. Thanks to Alelink for his great MaxScript.
Why Infinity ? Why IX ? I dont know. But sound great :) Made with After Effects. Actually this is a single frame from a short animation which you can see here
For: abstract art contest
3 DS Max Render with V-Ray
For: bug designs contest
3 ds max render with mental ray
For: castles contest
3 DS Max Render with default scanline render leaves texture from stock.xchng.mrscenter was notified trees background from CG Textures
3 DS Max Render with default scanline render. Final render time at 1200x900 pxl with light tracer enabled is 28 seconds. Textures from CG Textures
3 DS Max mental ray render
For: crown me contest
Very original title, LOL. 3 DS Max mental ray render
For: crown me contest
Head mesh create and sculpt with ZBrush. Hair and eyes made with 3DS Max. Eyes map made in Photoshop. Skin base material is SSS fast skin material from mental ray. Final render with mental ray, no post editing. Blueprint source from The, thanks.
For: male head contest
3 DS Max Mental Ray render Textures from CG Textures, thanks. Money from romanian Wikipedia, public domain.
For: snake eyes contest
3D contests are relatively new on PXL site and many people are asking what are we doing here. For very short we create and modify geometric objects. Our principals tools are MOVE, ROTATE and SCALE. As you can better see in HR 3D work is very friendly. 3DS Max, render with Mental Ray.
For: free for all contest
3 DS Max. render with mental Ray. Planks, frozen ground and sky with textures from CG textures, thanks.
For: battleships contest
3 DS Max. V-Ray render. Sails maps made with Photoshop. No post editing with 2 D program. Planks map from CG Textures, thanks.
For: battleships contest
3 DS Max, mental ray render No 2 D graphic program. If you are curious how to create a hallo light in 3D and deform it in 3 min ( render time included) see SBS.
For: exo planets contest
Somwhere, in Universe, an advanced civilization live a message on a planet where life is just beggining... LOL, actually I had in mind â€2001- A Space Odysey†, my all time fav SF movie. If you didnt see it i cant explain what is the golden box on the ground. 3 DS Max, render with Men...
For: exo planets contest
3DS Max. Render with Mental Ray. Thanks to Dr, Dan Saranga and The
For: bentley contest
3 DS max, V-Ray render. No 2D graphic program, all maps are procedural, no external sources.
Please see HR. A nice rezidential compound in the near future. Very safe, surveillance 24 hours from 24. No thiefs, hold-up or terrorists. Nothing. Idea came from â€Nineteen Eighty-Fourâ€, an excellent SF novel by George Orwell. Read more here
3 DS Max & ZBrush. V-Ray render. No external sources, textures or reference.
For: food contest
Most of the objects are created and painted with ZBrush. Few objects are created with 3DS Max. The mouse is create by his mother..oups.. I mean is a picture photoshopped. Final render with mental ray. Thanks to Rob Owen-Wahl for the mouse photo. Wood texture from CG Texture. Important edit...
For: food contest
No external sources. The horse was modeled first as a primitive mesh, from a simple box, in 3 DS Max, having as guide the contest blueprint. Transfer to ZBrush to sculpt and paint. Grass is paint in 2,5 D in ZBrush. Better see a detailed 20 steps in SBS.
Made from scratches with 3 DS max. Render with Mental ray
For: i robot contest
Why should somebody need an under water swimming pool ? 3 DS Max Render with Mental Ray Background picture from SCX, thanks to Konrad Mostert. Chaise longue textures from CG Textures.
For: interiors contest