Gnome Haven

Thanks to gotmeamuse for the image.
Acrylic on canvas, Messin with perspective under an Iron Maiden influence. Hope ya like it!
For: hearts td contest
Thanks to all for use of your stocks. lb1-117 dragon9 by ~bstocked lizard 2 by ~bipolargenius Reclining Barbarian Princess by *mjranum-stock
For: skin replacement 2 contest
For: skin replacement 2 contest
My impression of the Grinch. Tripod and remote to get the shot. I paint everything, including me sometimes. And if I can use it to attract attention and more business....count on it!
For: impressions contest
Have a look at the High-Res :) Thanks to Stockmichelle and NightFateStock
For: old clock contest
For: birds contest
Blue-winged Kookaburra. Check out the high res - you can see the spiderweb attached to his beak where he was foraging on the forest floor.
For: birds contest
I went walking through the woods this morning and almost didn't even see this guy. He's a Great Horned Owl.
For: birds contest
For: birds contest
I used Jawshoewhah's photo of himself as inspiration for this painting I did which I then took a picture of and combined with the original source photo with my painting. One of the guidelines for this contest was that it not fit any other contests and surely this must qualify by that standard.
For: mixed manipulations 8 contest
Honey I think we need to talk. Only the source image used
For: broken eggs contest
For: misty forest contest
just crazy with this one.... :D Thanks to 'Clix' for the frog image and thanks to Denny tang for the smoke brushes
For: aliens among contest
"You sonovagrinch! I hope you had a good time with mah girl cuz these snow guns will ruin yo' Christmas now!"
For: snowmen dd contest
For: mixed manipulations 7 contest
I wish it could have been dead on however its still a neat clock.