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nailed it!
(5 years and 2296 days ago)nailed it!
(5 years and 2296 days ago)i like everything but the text... you take that out and i'd call it done... now seriously, it will not help your cause to get mad at the comments, you have the option of not making them public if you have a problem with them. otherwise take it as they are, as constructive criticism. they are only trying to help. it was either them helping you, or the Mod pulling it for off theme, and leave you scratching your head, asking why?.
(5 years and 2821 days ago)good luck to you!! ;]
IMO, i find the insects unnecessary and almost a distraction from the image. but again that is just me... ;] good luck!
(5 years and 2822 days ago)it looks a lot better like this! good luck!!
(5 years and 2825 days ago)no, my friend, not the shadow, the blur that is at the bottom left of the balls of snow. indeed the shadow would be the same direction as your light source, so it should be on the bottom right. the motion blur is going to be at the top because that is the direction of travel. think of it this way, an object isn't going to leave a trail where it hasn't been yet. i hope that makes sense. good luck!
(5 years and 2827 days ago)do you have a moped? that is why i have 2-stroke. ;] great pic!
(5 years and 2827 days ago)i would suggest either finding clearer images of the ladies, or blurring the background to match the amount of blur on the girls. fun idea!
(5 years and 2827 days ago)next time, i would find some real water to use... the fake water distracts from an otherwise interesting image. good luck!
(5 years and 2827 days ago)clouds at the horizon look weird... actually all the clouds do. i would find some free cloud brushes, there are lots around the net... also it seems that you have the cloud layer in front of the girl, which is why you tried to mask out the cloud around the girl's head which has now left a very visible line around her head... good luck!!
(5 years and 2827 days ago)the perspective of the otter's tail and the side of the box is off, it makes it look like the side of the box is flat...
(5 years and 2827 days ago)the motion blur is from the wrong angle, this makes it look as thought the "snow is coming up from the ground... ;] good luck!
(5 years and 2827 days ago)fractillious (sp?) is an awesome filter! ;]
(5 years and 2831 days ago)I am a fan of your ideas and compositions, however i have found that your images feel half hearted and seem thrown together and rushed. There are many mistakes that i saw in the small image, and in the hires, i saw even more. I think you have progressed over the time you have been on PXL, but keep on practicing and read and do tutorials. they help out on the basics as well as teaching you some awesome tricks! Good Luck!
(5 years and 2842 days ago)while i think you have created a nice scene, i agree with rusvelt. There are masking issues on the palm trees, and on the "island". i never suggest using a wand to mask out your objects. the pen tool is the most precise tool to use. yes it takes some time, and your eyes start to hurt, but when it's done the lines are clean and perfect. there are many tutorials around about proper masking. good luck and have fun!
(5 years and 2842 days ago)I love queen! Creepy looking black sausage.... Looks more like long dong tea if you know what I mean... ;j
(5 years and 2884 days ago)Next time i would leave the text out of the image and put it all in the entry's description box, if you want to give a little narrative to set up your image. all the text in your image does is take away from your image. neat idea, Good luck!
(5 years and 2887 days ago)looks much better now... and i just noticed the tail end of another bird you placed to the left of the image... i liek the idea of a squadron of these, why not group some together in the distance behind her? great stuff!
(5 years and 2949 days ago)they actually could be a little darker. however you will want to go back through your objects and cut them out using the pen tool, and not the wand, or lasso tool which appears to be what you used. This will give your objects cleaner lines and not leave so much spotting, or extra unwanted background left on your objects, as i can see on all three. great idea and fun work. keep practicing! good luck!
(5 years and 2949 days ago)the problem with the tree is that it is the only thing that looks pasted on... all the rest of the image looks great! a little more work on the tree is needed. i suggest you try to match the color of the tree t the rest of the image. you can do this by going to IMAGE > ADJUSTMENTS > MATCH COLOR. Make sure you have your tree layer selected, duplicate it, than do the match color. Match the color to the main background image, by selecting it form the drop boxes at the bottom of the dialog box that comes up. using the sliders adjust the settings till the tree matches the rest a little more.
(5 years and 2949 days ago)CMYK said both things i noticed... use the pen tool to cut out your objects like the train. i realize you mirrored the train to match the curve of the wave, so the front plate could have been selected and mirrored back to be readable, or blacked out entirely to not have the distraction. great first attempt, keep practicing!
(5 years and 2949 days ago)seems like a poor choice of an image for the rider... i would think that you could have found a person riding a horse or other animal that would give you a better stance for the rider... neat image and interesting concept. good luck!
(5 years and 2949 days ago)professional quality work. not sure if the rules have anything about using commissioned work... hope not, cuz this is great.
(5 years and 2949 days ago)I like the idea, and the mood set with the figure being very shadowed... however, this is probably just personal opinion, but why would the mountains be a target for a h-bomb? wouldn't a city scene being off in the valley make more sense? i mean, why blow up rocks and trees, when there are buildings and people to vaporize? ;] great work, good luck!!
(5 years and 2949 days ago)I like the work done for your main figure, but could not figure out what part of the image was the "Boom", It feels like the mushroom cloud is too much of a regular cloud and not so much as cloud of destruction as it is intended to be... if it were my image i would leave the mood set with the blue, but add in some red/orance coloring around the cloud and on it's horizon... this would bring your eyes to the back a little more and give more shape to the doom being formed... great image over all!
(5 years and 2949 days ago)also where is the source for the goose you used to make the wings? you very obviously cut them out form that image in your sbs, but there is no source link for it. definitely need the source link for it. but lots of practice is needed in your image still. like CMYK mentioned the wings, but also the shadow of the girl was the one form the original image, which looks poorly transferred over. it is usually best to make your own new shadow than use an existing one... good luck and have fun!
(5 years and 2949 days ago)like the idea a lot. her mouth looks very pasted on compared t the rest of the work... i am sure that you selected the mouth out and only effected the rest of her face, but this gives it a different look, that almost takes your attention away from the rest of the great work on lighting such a disfigured face. On a personal note, i am not a fan of the added noise. it looks sharp and very unnatural under any circumstances. Great work, good luck!
(5 years and 2949 days ago)the muted colors can be fine for the image, but as CMYK mentioned it loses depth with the lack of color. You can add the depth back in by shading your more distant objects as well as making them less in focus, this will bring your eyes to the more clear focal point and create the illusion of depth in the back. Good Luck!
(5 years and 2950 days ago)i really like this image, but viewing the hi-res throws me off a little due to the 2 separate focal points you have in the image. The legs in the foreground, and then the dancers hand in the background. Since these are not in the same line of depth, they would not both be able to be in the same focus. really great work over all! GL!
(5 years and 2950 days ago)Great work author! High marks.
(5 years and 2951 days ago)great image!
(5 years and 2952 days ago)if you're making changes... a little bit of rain splatter off her right side (since rain is falling that direction), and the top of her head... keep it light, but clear and visible in the high res. Nice image over all.
(5 years and 2954 days ago)Also, the rope is not in her left hand... It is behind it. Mask that hand below the fingers to have the rope thside her hand at the bottom.
(5 years and 2955 days ago)there needs to be more separation between the background and the objects. i can bring the slippers together, but they still look flat compared to the blank background, and their soft lighting... great idea though!!
(5 years and 2956 days ago)perfect example of this contest, and how to do it with only blending layers. great work!
(5 years and 2956 days ago)i like everything about this image other than the snail... it seems placed in there for no reason other than possibly to hide the pole going into the sand at the sea floor... IMO, it takes my eyes away from the striking focal point of the man and his balancing pole... I would love to give this a higher vote, but with the shell, i can not. Good luck, Great work!
(5 years and 2956 days ago)Keiley is correct, and i very kind about mentioning it... i unfortunately am not so kind, so i will not say much else about your image. I do suggest taking a look around the net for some tutorials on proper masking and on some of the other tools it appears you used, such as liquify and smudge tools. Good Luck!
(5 years and 2957 days ago)interesting interpretation... since this is an attempted lifelike scene i will mention a few points on that. The girl with the guns is shadowed as if the light source is on the ground. everyone else is lit from above. both people with guns are missing proper blending and shadowing on the ground to make them appear to be standing in the grass. all figures appear to be flat and just pasted on. and i am not really sure how this is painted to look like an Egyptian style. perhaps view the example given. good luck!
(5 years and 2957 days ago)check the shadow of the cat... it is not as dark as all the rest of the shadows in the scene... fix that and it will be better... cat also appears to be hovering above the ground slightly...
(5 years and 2957 days ago)so far the only one i've gotten to work easily... great work!
(5 years and 2957 days ago)like the idea, and the feel of the image. as for execution, it leaves something to be desired. Many many masking and blending issues throughout. Also, one quick fix would be to blur the tree you added to the background. it should be slightly less in focus than the tree that is behind your castle. Good luck!
(5 years and 2958 days ago)much better! like the changes!
(5 years and 2958 days ago)the top hat... the black and white dots all over it. either you placed a dissolve blending layer to it (never do this) or you rendered a noise layer (do this) if you did the dissolve blending layer, then remove it and make a selection of the hat and render a noise to a new layer. With this new noise layer, use a Gaussian blur on it to match the blur of the hat. Use the "Opacity" slider for the noise layer and reduce the opacity to about 75%. Try a few different blending layer options to it... most likely "Overlay" or "Multiply" will yield the most desirable results... good luck!
(5 years and 2959 days ago)nice composition... some of the execution needs work though. The pool table is abruptly cut off at the top. I can tell that you were attempting to have the image fade out by that point, but it didn't quite make it. I can still see a very hard line at the top, and it slices right through the middle of the corner pocket of the pool table. just crop your image to this line and you should be good. Keep practicing with your lighting and fading...
(5 years and 2959 days ago)some definite improvements. keep practicing!
(5 years and 2959 days ago)works as it should, but kind of not a traditional stereogram. Neat image all the same. ;]
(5 years and 2960 days ago)i agree. loose the words... or try drawing the words yourself rather than using standard text. think of your favorite manga or anime an draw up some awesome text!!
(5 years and 2960 days ago)I like the idea for the image, and i think you have accomplished it quite well. Only a few things to point out as far as inserted objects go. The blue butterfly could use some better masking, very hard lines around it. also the bird added in near the tree is translucent, i can see the flowers be hand it, through it's body... also some of the added items to the girl, look very flat. I believe this is due to the lack of proper shadows from the objects in relation to her body. Great work over all! Feel free to PM me if you would like a few tips on seamlessly blending objects.
(5 years and 2960 days ago)everyone looks flat, but also i'm not sure what game pieces were used for this image? apparently you must use specific pieces reminiscent of the game.
(5 years and 2960 days ago)good work sir, quite a feat to turn the flower into a bee, but couldn't the same be done with a jar of honey? or a bee hive, or a pickle? my point is, that you could have created this image from any source, so what is the point to enter a photoshop contest? you clearly have the drawing skills to win the drawing contests. especially sine the winner of this gets a free month subscription to a photo stock site... which you have clearly no use for since you hand drew all of your awesomeness. ;] Good luck Author, i am certain that you will be winning this contest.
(5 years and 2962 days ago)