
Element war digital painting
well, real cloning does´nt always produces the best results. Thanks to andrewp001
The Aliens are trying to attack the city but the human is too tough. Finally, they decide to use Goliath, their huge and strongest robot. The army can't defense against Goliath, but David, a strong and brave man dares to do that. I used the provided source for constructing the aircraft where David ...
For: table soccer contest
Picture of a cup of Mountain Dew over Ice on the window sill in the sunlight (my Photo)
My first try at realism. Edit: - Candle now has some depth
Dodge and burn contest: Goal: Make a square canvas with a grey background and create an image using dodge, burn, and smudge tools only. You can only use these tools, but it is allowed to use external references to base your work on. If you do, don't forget to mention them in your sources or SBS g...
For: old contests contest
For: killer frog contest
thanks to shmoo18 for image yelling. I tried to follow the goal of this contest, and not only create mirrored images. I hope you like it.
One day the Sun stops burning and the world covered with darkness. This is a story about a man who is far away from home when the darkness appears. The way home for him is very struggle because it's a labyrinth. A God of darkness wants to help him but also want to challenge his love, so he gives the...
For: curved arrow contest
Sorry It came out so dark! ;o; When I was colouring it, it looked normal, but when I went to look at it on my sister's laptop... er... I guess it looks dark (since my desktop screen is lighter, I guess?). I don't know, I bearly got my new computer! So either way I guess I'm happy~ -- ps. I tried...
For: manga contest
Thanks to tome213 and CGTextures
For: trails contest
When it's spring, it's time for some ice cream. Used PS CS4
For: spring start contest
in spring the lemon tree infront of our house will be covered with butterflies, its a nice time to watch them
For: spring start contest
Please see Hi Res. All Photoshop, No outside sources (besides contest source)
For: acorn contest