Dark Vision

    Dark Vision

    Very special thanks to lapopat, mmagallan, boff2 on SXC for use of their images!

    For: dark surrealism 2 contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 61.92%
    » Rank: 12 out of 27



    Special Thanks to Stuck in Customs, SonOfJordan, and Sprengben on Flickr for use of their awesome photos! also to physical magic on brush king for their cloud brushes

    For: mixed media 31 contest

    » Comments: 7
    » Score: 59.65%
    » Rank: 15 out of 21

    Attack of the Kracken

    Attack of the Kracken

    Was originally for the sail boat contest a few weeks back, but missed the deadline for it. http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-contest/19984/sailing-away.html thanks to ngould, youngy,and caiosposit from stock exchange for use of their awesome images! Also Physical Magic and PSD Box on Brush K...

    For: mixed media 31 contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 57.27%
    » Rank: 18 out of 21

    Universal Time

    Universal Time

    Please enjoy in hi-res! Thanks to NASA for their image of the earth... All other elements were from the source image or created myself in PS. Thank you for looking at my work!

    For: watch mechanics contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 63.34%
    » Rank: 7 out of 16

    Tiptoe Through the Daisies

    Tiptoe Through the Daisies

    Please if you have seen this image before and think you know who the author is, do not vote for it. I appreciate any feedback you wish to give, but please do not vote for this image if you think you know who the author is. I know a few folks have seen this, but not nearly as many as what normally ...

    For: mixed media 19 contest

    » Comments: 3
    » Score: 61.36%
    » Rank: 24 out of 30

    Welcome to Candy Land

    Welcome to Candy Land

    Apparently some people may not be familiar with the game of Candy Land, which i have chosen for my image. My main focal point are the two game pieces in the center fore ground. Not to mention the lollipop forest looming in the distance and the iconic rainbow road the game pieces move upon. If ...

    For: game based contest

    » Comments: 7
    » Score: 64.99%
    » Rank: 6 out of 10



    Beauty lasts for only so long, then dissipates into the heavens.

    For: grey smoke contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 63.41%
    » Rank: 9 out of 10

    Number FUN!

    Number FUN!
    top 3 entry

    cut and shaped number 1 to make the word FUN. enjoy in hi-res! ;]

    For: number one contest

    » Comments: 15
    » Score: 57.6%
    » Rank: 1 out of 11



    This was to be entered into the Theme contest for PXL Tutorials http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-contest/14099/pxl-tuts.html The tutorial used was Lodd's How to Create a Circle Polyorama http://www.pxleyes.com/tutorial/photoshop/1544/How-To-Create-A-Circle-Polyorama.html Thank you to the fol...

    For: old contests contest

    » Comments: 12
    » Score: 55.67%
    » Rank: 18 out of 25


    top 3 entry

    Nothing better on a warm summer day than a fresh bit of lunch. Please view in hi-res! Special thanks to topfer, frecuencia, coscurro, krits on sxc for their fantastic stock photos!

    For: highspeed motion contest

    » Comments: 19
    » Score: 59.69%
    » Rank: 3 out of 15

    At the Beach

    At the Beach

    Even though daddy is big, baby Huey has the strength to raise him above his head. Thanks to SCervino and Grunow at SXC for use of their wonderful stock!

    For: ups and downs contest

    » Comments: 10
    » Score: 56.41%
    » Rank: 5 out of 19

    Church of Darkness

    Church of Darkness

    created a scene of less than holiness... enjoy the high-res! Thanks to theoneill, nathanjb, bjearwicke, night_fate, dimitri_c, VinnyPrime, and QR9iudjz0 from SXC for use of their images! Edited image as comments made suggested valid issues. thanks to all who have commented!

    For: old church contest

    » Comments: 15
    » Score: 55.48%
    » Rank: 9 out of 23

    Stuck inside

    Stuck inside

    Lots of fun! Please enjoy the high-res. Before anyone says it... blur and "low image quality" created intentionally to create the desired mood and effect. thank you for viewing! Special thanks to Mrinkk and weetabixx from SXC for use of their photos!

    For: droste effect contest

    » Comments: 5
    » Score: 57.66%
    » Rank: 10 out of 34

    From Another World

    From Another World

    Visitors tear open a hole in space and time to view our world... Please view high-res...

    For: black swan contest

    » Comments: 3
    » Score: 49.13%
    » Rank: 22 out of 23



    hmmm kinda reminds me of mystique... special thanks to binababy12 on sxc for use of their photo Edited... Adjusted "scales" so they formed together better... more seemless...

    For: sequins contest

    » Comments: 9
    » Score: 54.26%
    » Rank: 14 out of 25



    me likey Ps! Special thanks to naraosga from sxc for use of their photo!

    For: sequins contest

    » Comments: 8
    » Score: 54.73%
    » Rank: 12 out of 25


    top 3 entry

    hmmm.... first one in quite some time... feel a bit rusty ;] enjoy in hi-res... ;] thanks to yellowssub on sxc for the waterfall pic

    For: sequins contest

    » Comments: 13
    » Score: 58.59%
    » Rank: 3 out of 25

    Similar but different...

    Similar but different...

    if you couldn't figure it out already, it is a new avatar for CMYK46 thanks to debsch and asifthebes from SXC for use of their images! Edited... as per the helpful comments...

    For: avatar wars contest

    » Comments: 9
    » Score: 54.46%
    » Rank: 20 out of 26

    PXL-ated Logo w/lens flare

    PXL-ated Logo w/lens flare

    simple logo similar to the old PST logo...

    For: PXLEyes Logo Contest contest

    » Comments: 10
    » Score: 48.51%
    » Rank: 81 out of 181

    PXLeyes RGB

    PXLeyes RGB

    one with an RGB style... pretty straight forward i don't feel a SBS is needed...

    For: PXLEyes Logo Contest contest

    » Comments: 11
    » Score: 46.7%
    » Rank: 126 out of 181