12 comments given:
no avatar
bluesk8r says:

Simple, but well done and creative. I like it.

(5 years and 3791 days ago)

Its All A Puzzle To Me
no avatar
bluesk8r says:

it the Eeyore of cats!

(5 years and 3793 days ago)

Street Smart
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bluesk8r says:

I think he forgot his head!!! Haha! nice pic.

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

no avatar
bluesk8r says:

I really enjoyed this piece. Can I use it as a Desktop? I like how you included your sketch.

(5 years and 3798 days ago)

Oh no, the woodf***er
no avatar
bluesk8r says:

This was a good idea. I laughed. Maybe a little more shadowing or burning on the lock though.

(5 years and 3800 days ago)

Jail House Blues
no avatar
bluesk8r says:

Deluxe ice fishing hut. I like it! Nice job with the reflections.

(5 years and 3806 days ago)

no avatar
bluesk8r says:

Haha! Well done. I like the humor.

(5 years and 3812 days ago)

hang on Bob, ...
no avatar
bluesk8r says:


(5 years and 3813 days ago)

Olly olly oxen free
no avatar
bluesk8r says:

This made me laugh! Way to think outside the box...

(5 years and 3813 days ago)
