
I took the picture and turned the bowl into the glass part of the UFO. and made the rest of the picture. I took the moon from SXC.HU.
For: bathing cat contest
I took the picture and turned the bowl into the glass part of the UFO. and made the rest of the picture. I took the moon from SXC.HU.
For: bathing cat contest
I took the original and made this.
For: fan penguins contest
Am I the only one that saw this? I took the original picture and selected the part that I changed green. I made an eye and tongue.
For: driftwood contest
First off, YES this is real. I took the picture and used the wand tool to get the blue. I copied it to a new layer and changed the original to b/w. I used the hue and saturation to make the blue, purple.
I took my picture and used the wand tool to get the yellow. I copied it to another layer and made the original picture black and white. That's it.
I took the original picture and used the ball as the snail shell and the track as the slime. I used the background as the background.
For: path togo contest
I took the image and made two fun little guns out of the ball. I took the track and made it the lasers.
For: path togo contest
I took the bathroom picture and and put a filter on it. I used a photo from for the elephant. I cropped the head and placed it at the angle, I cropped the trunk and warped it. I also adjusted the hue and saturation and put a little dodge on the trunk. I put a bit more shadow around the feet, ...