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blur is a registered pxl member. His Pxl age is 5 years and 2928 days. He was last seen 5 years and 2863 days ago.
13 profile comments: ( page 1 of 1)

(5 years and 2869 days ago)hey Blur! check the interview by our friend Anoop on my blog!!
Your work is getting better and better!
(5 years and 2882 days ago)see you too my friend.... and I am expecting a big one from you,,,,
(5 years and 2887 days ago)Congrats blur! Awesome work once again!
(5 years and 2888 days ago)Thank you for the compliment about my avatar!!! I'm blushed!
(5 years and 2892 days ago)You are very mysterious, Mr. Blur, but an amazing artist!
Thanks and congrats too! Amazing artworks you have here, hope to see more
Nice work on your SBSs too - learning lots from it, thank you!!
(5 years and 2895 days ago)Congrats for 1st and 3th this week!! great works!!
(5 years and 2895 days ago)Welcome to pxleyes... Good job that you have been a top 3 in your 4 entries out of 6. All d best.. Keep up the good work...
(5 years and 2906 days ago)u r welcome! ur flower drawing is the best in drawing i have seen on this site! welcome to pxleyes! ur sbs was also so good...i think u must write a tutoral on ur flower drawing
(5 years and 2907 days ago)Welcome to the site. I like your approach to your work, and I wish more members would bother to make a comprehensive SBS as you've done, even though I think you go a bit overboard.
(5 years and 2912 days ago)Hi, welcome to Pxleyes.... enjoy the artistic crew's art, and good luck at the contests. BTW, I added you to my friends list too.
(5 years and 2912 days ago)It's okay to submit drawings in photoshop contests as long as you also include photo manipulation, so your last entry was fine. Congrats for second place though, should've been first imo. Looking forward to your next one
(5 years and 2923 days ago)Anytime & hope to see more
(5 years and 2924 days ago)