61 comments given:
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bmoore10 says:

I don't understand how you could sit on that thing...

(5 years and 3516 days ago)

Xtra Portable
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bmoore10 says:

haha...trying to cheat maybe? nice thought

(5 years and 3591 days ago)

Tucked away
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bmoore10 says:

the pieces are a little too shiny..especially the knight...can't really tell what the model looks like

(5 years and 3591 days ago)

Gold Vs Silver
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bmoore10 says:

this is pretty simplistic, but the materials, model, and camera angle of the pieces makes it brilliant..love it!

(5 years and 3591 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

I like the rustic material you used

(5 years and 3591 days ago)

Rusty War
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bmoore10 says:

nice concept...looks kinda cartoony..hope that's what you were going for

(5 years and 3591 days ago)

Tower Defense
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bmoore10 says:

nice camera angle and wood texture

(5 years and 3591 days ago)

black victory
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bmoore10 says:

wow these pieces are very original..great job!

(5 years and 3591 days ago)

Dark Moves
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bmoore10 says:

you should've made those chess pieces knights or something instead...that's what is so difficult about this contest...

(5 years and 3591 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

absolutely gorgeous! I love the combination of 2d and 3d..it really helps me think outside the box and use both of the software packages I've learned more efficiently and creatively!

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

DJ Summer Festival
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bmoore10 says:

it's kinda hard to read in places but overall neat

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

it's kinda hard to read in places

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

hmm simplistic yet cool

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

nice style! it's more classic..love it!

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

Volunteer Jam
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bmoore10 says:

I love it too! great colors and design

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

Jump on the dance floor
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bmoore10 says:

love it!

(5 years and 3603 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:


(5 years and 3603 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:


(5 years and 3603 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

nice concept but waaaay too blurry

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

love it! yes they do! ...great concept!

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

celtics rock
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bmoore10 says:

I like the general concept..just not the mix of cartoon and reality in with this mood

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

nice mood author...love it

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

yeah..this entry looks rushed..but I like the concept

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

totally adorable..good job!

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

daisy Gramaphone
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bmoore10 says:

I really liked the thumbnail...I agree with the rest about the bigger one though..it needs to be more detailed...great work and original idea though author!

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

Daisy Fireworks
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bmoore10 says:

the lines around the edge need to be sharpened to make it look realistic and the middle of it needs to be a little darker...otherwise good entry

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

Grand Canyon State Pot Hole
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bmoore10 says:

something doesn't seem quite real enough about it for me to be scared driving on it....maybe the center crack needs to be darker? not sure

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

Not driving on this ....
no avatar
bmoore10 says:

this would creep me out

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

jeez..your work is amazing and I absolutely love your tutorials..keep up the awesome work!

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

this is decently done... I guess I'm just not a big fan of the 50's...but good job doing the unexpected

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

Yikes, those fifties...
no avatar
bmoore10 says:

haha..go figure you made this one too! awesome!

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

your work is spectacular...I'm a big fan!

(5 years and 3604 days ago)

Mastering the Heat
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bmoore10 says:

try decreasing the intensity of the shadow itself..increasing the specularity on the smiley...changing the mirror to a glass material and rethinking the facial expression..and this will be a good submission

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

On A Spring
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bmoore10 says:

really well done..

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

Tie Fighter
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bmoore10 says:

try adding a guitar stand...and change the textures and lighthing...it looks kinda flat..the reflection on the amp is pretty decent though..

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

Guitar Toy
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bmoore10 says:

wow..just terrific...great textures, lighting and model! I would love to produce a work like this!

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

Meccano Helicopter
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bmoore10 says:

yeah this image looks 2d without shadows..

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

good shine and nice grass..a little too simplistic for my taste though

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

Shiny New Ball
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bmoore10 says:

I absolutely love this...great job on the form and pins in the bottom

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

very simplistic but nice image!

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

yeah try changing the view, and adding specularity to the plastic to make it shine..it looks rather 2d right now..

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

you have found some really nice textures..it's a simplistic model, but I don't think wood blocks could look much better..nice reflection in the floor...I agree that it probably shouldn't be a child's playroom though..lol

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

Toy Cubes
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bmoore10 says:

if it weren't for the sbs I would think this image was 2d, I would suggest adding a background or changing the view to perspective instead of front

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

the wood texture either needs to be uvw unwrapped and scaled down..or I would suggest finding a new wood texture..otherwise looks great!

(5 years and 3649 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

if you angle the image of the moon's reflection to match where the moon is..you can keep the reflection in the same spot...it just needs to look like it's coming from that moon and not randomly placed in the middle of the lake

(5 years and 3651 days ago)

moon lake
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bmoore10 says:

overall nice image, the flowers in front of the vase throw it off a little bit, maybe show more stem or more of the top of the vase? it just kind looks like it's jumping out..other than that nice image

(5 years and 3659 days ago)

Still Life............
no avatar
bmoore10 says:

wow this looks really good! I envy your patience and imagination

(5 years and 3659 days ago)

metrosexuality - decay
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bmoore10 says:

the entire edge of the sphere should not be burned, glass doesn't have shadows on all sides..try looking at a circular glass

(5 years and 3660 days ago)

no avatar
bmoore10 says:

you need to add highlights and maybe a glow on the circle, it's too flat looking

(5 years and 3660 days ago)

trap door
no avatar
bmoore10 says:

nice idea

(5 years and 3660 days ago)
