What are your hobbies?
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buggaboo: Photography, drawing, writing.

Who is your favorite actor?
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buggaboo: Don't have one.

What is your favorite movie?
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buggaboo: Green Mile

Who is your favorite singer/band?
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buggaboo: Carrie Underwood

What is your favorite song?
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buggaboo: Don't forget to remember me by Carrie Underwood

What is your favorite television show/soap/sitcom?
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buggaboo: Criminal Minds

The most beautiful man in the world according to you?
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buggaboo: My Boyfriend

Do you have any pets?
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buggaboo: Yes, i have a cat named Bubbles

Do you watch sports and which ones?
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buggaboo: No

What is your favorite holiday destination?
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buggaboo: Holiday World

What is your favorite food?
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buggaboo: Chicken nuggets

What is your favorite colour?
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buggaboo: Pink and black

Love or Lust?
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buggaboo: Love

Vanilla or chocolate?
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buggaboo: Vaniila

Morning or evening person?
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buggaboo: Evening

Summer or winter?
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buggaboo: Summer

Van Gogh or Picasso?
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buggaboo: Van Gogh

Black or white?
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buggaboo: Black

Coffee or tea?
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buggaboo: Tea