93 comments given:
avatar buzzy
buzzy says:

Once you see the spacial illusion it creates your smile ear to ear!

(5 years and 559 days ago)

Visiting His Girlfriend
avatar buzzy
buzzy says:

use the principle of "green screen" as a background to make selection extraction easier and you have ONE clear simple jpg to play with.

(5 years and 559 days ago)

Visiting His Girlfriend
avatar buzzy
buzzy says:

Your over complicating it. ZOOM in on the part if the image you want to be reflected and screenshot it. Paste that back into the original. A reflection is never expected to have the same clarity as the original focal subject.

(5 years and 559 days ago)

Visiting His Girlfriend
avatar buzzy
buzzy says:

disturbing, funny, definitely out of place.

(5 years and 560 days ago)

How a Mother Sees her Army Boy
avatar buzzy
buzzy says:

Nice, clean and fun. Gem is the sbs. At your level the only thing i can mention IMHO, is the reflection. I feel there should be a perspective simulated as it is projected on a plane, and in that you would see a subtle depth blur approaching the viewer. Fantastic!

(5 years and 560 days ago)

Visiting His Girlfriend
avatar buzzy
buzzy says:

FUN!! An obvious original!

(5 years and 1608 days ago)

Rising Above the Chains
avatar buzzy
buzzy says:

Clean, Clear and Composed. Nice. The wood grain is great but the texture should respond to the surface contours to pull off depth. Sometimes a simple "displacement" filter will give it "that, edge."

(5 years and 1608 days ago)

Bertie, our clock on the square
avatar buzzy
buzzy says:

Tell"em "just warm'n up!"

(5 years and 1608 days ago)

avatar buzzy
buzzy says:

Great job pulling off unity in such a random conception. Love the use of source! Great job!
psst... his shoes are backwards,,,,

(5 years and 1608 days ago)

avatar buzzy
buzzy says:

This is the kind of work that kept us going in the beginning , and the quality of work that will inspire us in the future. The magic here is the lighting, the idea is simplistic genius. Great piece.

(5 years and 1608 days ago)

Stone can melt too
avatar buzzy
buzzy says:


(5 years and 2557 days ago)

I need a push!