water wheel

additional sources provided by; 아침놀 (yep, thats how you spell it, we'll just call him Bob) and Quang Minh
For: cogs contest
additional sources provided by; 아침놀 (yep, thats how you spell it, we'll just call him Bob) and Quang Minh
For: cogs contest
I totally dig the buses more. They're Groovy dude!
For: sand car contest
Only contest source used. Made this one for my daughter. Thank you for your votes.
For: chandelier contest
"bleach bum" lol! hope you like it. bleach bottle is my own photo taken for this contest, see sbs. credits for additional sources: Markfive S. Diddy Joits Ramon Menese Ravages thank you.
For: hour glasses contest
I have always loved city lights. Only contest source image used. tree brushes: http://www.brusheezy.com/brush/1337-Tree-Master-Pack
For: sequins contest
made in Photoshop CS3, only contest source used. Lots of cut and paste, warp and transform
For: letters contest
LOOK OUT!!.......... (oooops!) *feather brushes from Brusheezy*
For: sea gull contest
Subliminal message follows...... VOTE FOR ME! *hi-res* (SBS coming soon)
For: sea gull contest
additional sources provided thanks to; Fingle Scallopholden takomabibelot Markhillary ..sbs under construction
No outside sources used.
For: autumn alley contest
This ones a little "corney" Thanks to: Don Solo Cowfish Arne Hendriks
For: leadership contest
viewer discretion is advised! Thanks to: QXZ Colodio Sheere K Premshree Pillai
For: leadership contest
I decided, I want one of those bar stools! Source provided by: Saikofish
For: ship wheel contest
credits to: orangeacid, Mr Noded for these perfect Flicker photos!
For: flower girl contest
Divorces are hard but a troubled marriage is even harder! But it was for the best. I have one of her eyes sewn shut because she never seemed to see the big picture. I have her mouth zipped shut because she never seemed to have any thing nice to say. And i was going to have her heart ripped out bu...
For: severed ties contest
Additional source photo by Pietroizzo
If i had this jeep i would..... I divided the body up in sections then transformed them to shape. Then i added the extras from source 2 and source 3. I would like to thank: Foofighterfan502, BFRPosh Photos on Flicker for the extra sources.
For: jeep contest
The prestigious Knight in a Medieval iron chess set. Chess, like Photoshop requires great patients and perfect concentration. thanks GREATONE! and Pxleyes for the nice source pics
For: horse head contest
Yellow roses aren't just for Texas any more! Thanks to fmc.nikon.d40, for the photo of the rose
I took this picture of a deranged banana coming at me this morning on my cell phone before i had to drop it to defend myself! Can you believe that?!
For: fruit punch contest
my lovely daughter was a great help in this project. Thank you Faith check the high res, zoom in and take a look. Refraction, shadowing and bubbles... Oh My! p.s. Faith says "please vote for me."
For: cocktails contest