Time to change direction

For: the final goodbye contest
For: the final goodbye contest
It will be a lonely, cold and empty world without this place. :(
For: the final goodbye contest
For: the final goodbye contest
For: the final goodbye contest
For: the final goodbye contest
For: the final goodbye contest
One final (last?) entry at PXL... A big goodbye from me to you all: Frank, mods and all members. The time at PXL has been a blast, thank you all for making that possible.
For: the final goodbye contest
Thank you Frank, and thanks to all you talented people out there, it's been a great ride.
For: the final goodbye contest
Thanks *lapin.
For: the final goodbye contest
We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone....
For: the final goodbye contest
All epic stories end as our heroes ride off into the sunset! As the town of PXL decays and memories fade, our love will endure forever. Thanks for years of inspiration, fun and friends! I wish everyone good luck and amazing lives! (Attribution:Alex,Paul Mayne,mlhradio,Don Graham,Panama,brenrub,M...
For: the final goodbye contest
For: the final goodbye contest
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you Until we meet again! Thanks to jusahoo and cgtextures Please forgive me for missing other avatars. Thanks to pxleyes, Mr. Monty, all members and friends for all such great support, comments, fav, inspiration, tutor...
For: the final goodbye contest
For: the final goodbye contest
A ride I thought would never end..... with ups and down and twists as our work be came better. What you the Pxl community taught me was more than I could have ever imagined and the realization of the vastness of the PS horizon. You beat out any arrogance I might have had .and helped me build a s...
For: the final goodbye contest
For: the final goodbye contest
This was my 3rd entry on PST/PXL and my favourite. I had to upload again. Someone at Jolly Good Soda's thought it would be a great advertising campaign… It caused quite a stir.
For: the final goodbye contest
An ending is really just a new beginning...but it still sucks. Thank you, MrM, for providing a place where I could hone my skills. Thank you, mods, for your patience, hard work and keeping me honest even when I got snivelly about it. Thank you, commentators, for feeding my ego and making suggesti...
For: the final goodbye contest
Pressing the suit before hanging it up for good.
For: the final goodbye contest
Heartfelt thanks to Frank for creating and maintaining this wonderful home for us all. Thanks to all the Mods for your countless hours of work. And finally thanks to all members for your enthusiasm, encouragement and advice. Thanks to Giallo for use of Pxleyes logo.
For: the final goodbye contest
I would like to thank to all the members whose work is used to make this last entry. I selected some of the ones I think were the best works for me. I know there were hundredths of good work, but these particular ones gave me ideas and hit my eye. I encourage to you all the Artists who were here, to...
For: the final goodbye contest
My sincere thanks goes out to Frank a.k.a MrMonty and the entire pxl community for providing me/us with countless hours of enjoyment and entertainment. Since discovering this place about 7 years ago, back in the days of photoshoptalent.com, I have grown to appreciate the digital art world tremendous...
For: the final goodbye contest
Thank u all from bottom of my heart/ Moon - Cyan filterby ~AthosLuca Dramatic Sky - Iby *MD-Arts Beech Treeby ~annarey-stock-art Circa 1873 House 5by =FairieGoodMother
For: surrealism 2 contest
For: demotivational poster contest