You got some on your face!

For: macro bugs 3 contest
For: macro bugs 3 contest
For: joecacia contest
This is my Dog who has the same name as my Avatar.
For: robopets contest
Mines wearing makeup! ;) She reminds me of Mimi from that Drew Carey show.
For: dragonflies contest
For: dragonflies contest
Here is the image I tried to mimic: 3Ds Max I drew the heart map myself on a piece of paper and scanned it in and saved as a jpg. map, then used it as a texture map.
For: photo mimic contest
Use one of the PxlEyes sources and Photoshop. Thank you, Snappler for the awesome wooden texture:
For: wooden world contest
This was my very first butterfly shot, taken just a few days ago!
For: butterflies contest
Thanks to Dave Rogers for the source photo.
For: yellow leaf contest
Meet Amandine, the Parisian, Moulin Rouge themed, fashion doll. Be sure to check out the SBS guide to fully appreciate this piece.
For: dolled up contest
Thanks to Sharon Drummond, mzacha and IsaacClan5 for the use of their photos.
For: dolled up contest
My dark style.. Stock + painting.
For: shoe fantasy contest
Matthew 17:20 And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. Note: Entry edi...
For: heading out contest
And now for something completely different. Thanks to GlennPeb and edmondo at
For: new species contest
A collision shot of two drops of water. Plain tap water in the bowl and a black food dye in the drops.