Entry number 92091

Mayo Clinic Rochester
For: vanishing point 4 contest
Mayo Clinic Rochester
For: vanishing point 4 contest
Irises can be found wild in the North Country. Most are this color but others can be found.
During a fun day of shooting kids sledding this and many more little accidents happened. No one was hurt in the picture.
For: ops contest
This little Nut Hatch has no concept of gravity and is a little rocket. I love to watch the bird games over my feeder.
For: wild world of birdfeeders contest
Backyard suet feeder
For: wild world of birdfeeders contest
Clean and Green? Pros and cons of this technology and the effect it has on nature has been wildly disputed. Studies are ongoing.
For: technology contest
Old Camera from 1860s to 1900. The average exposure time on this one is about 4 seconds according to the Photographer. This one is still in working order and exposures are done in a box right on site. Cool stuff.
For: vintage contest
For: against the grain contest
For: against the grain contest
Spinning wheel from 1800s
For: vintage contest
The old work horses of the 1800s.
For: vintage contest
For: against the grain contest
For: symmetry in nature contest
North American Snapper. I was lucky to find this snapper taking a sun bath. Lets go swimming. These turtles have a nasty temper.
For: reptiles 3 contest
post process in windows picture manager, converted to sepia tones and a bit of contrast.
old school turned into quaint shops and museum
For: railings 2 contest