old tree man

For: old man tree contest
For: old man tree contest
If you fly too close you could end up a snack for this cantankerous little fella.
source + i'd like to thank the owner of this blog for the kelp png files: http://posermagic.blogspot.com/2009_09_05_archive.html
For: doggy toy contest
Thanks to NineTen for the background picture Hope you enjoy it
For: teepee contest
"Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul?" John Keats 1795-1821
made the flag and the pole using standard shapes and the border using pen tool. dodged and burned for shadows and highlights.
For: wet leaves contest
Only the source image is used.
Only source image in the final result. Outside source used as ref is my own picture. Please view in high resolution.
For: skull contest
Credit to bubbidge and awottawa for the use of thier images on www.sxc.hu. They have both been notified.
For: animal world contest
For everyone who was too late to buy the very succesful Kique Azzz © suit for the previous Winter Holiday Shopping season, there's good news. Hereby the anouncement that the new Kique Azzz V2.0 © suit is released! Be even more prepared with the special discount detectors and LCD screen which a...
For: tidy station contest
this was fun to do :D comments and suggestions are welcome. you might want to check high res before voting.
For: old barn contest
Save Trees. Save Earth.
For: deck rail contest
from scratch, photoshop and source only. My first Dragon. I hope you like him. He´s actually very jelly, ... uhm, gently i mean. :-)
For: jelly contest
Some sources, some 3D, some drawing and lot of work Hope you enjoy it
For: grass contest
credit to ryoku15 from DA for the cloud brushes Credit to visualgraffiti-stock for the image of the woman. Credit to dlritter from SXC for the tree
For: grass contest
Surreal, ha? :P I've been inspired by a song played by a moldovian band - Alternosfera. It's called 511 City. In this city, the music is the element that makes you live in a desert of silence. You just need to fly a lil bit in your imagination and you'll find this city. Strange, ha? don't worry...it...
Mainly, I've used the stone ball to imagine a new earth. The leaves of the trees from the source image are placed on the earth to show that there is the only planet in the whole Universe where is life. SF?...neahhh :P Enjoy! credits and thanks: www.cgtextures.com http://wachowicz.deviantart.com ...
For: stone ball contest
I see the grunge style as being too dark and as an art style that expresses many oppressive feelings...Thought at many of these feelings and the one that made me reflect a lot was the danger of not loving yourself the way you are. In those kind of moments you try to find out how you can get out of y...
I got this idea whilst sleeping...on the last minute...! And I was lucky enough to find an extraordinary picture of an owl on flickr.com. Credits to "Suneko" for an amazing photo and mood. You can check out author's account at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/suneko/. Then I added more gr...