Oh My Gosh!

I can see you! Do you always dress like that?
For: macro bugs 3 contest
I can see you! Do you always dress like that?
For: macro bugs 3 contest
Captured in Raw with a Nikon d90 and processed in Lightroom
As his parents stand guard, this sandhill crane chick takes a brief nap.
For: snooze 2 contest
Brand new baby what could be more innocent!
For: innocent contest
For: instruments contest
For: instruments contest
For: shadows 2 contest
That's short for Coffee Cups for those that might have thought otherwise.
For: shadows 2 contest
6am outside my local pub, the morning after an England World Cup game. 3 bracketed exposures merged in Photomatix. Desaturated and brightness decreased in Photoshop. No sources used - all my own photos.
For: trash contest
For: convenience stores contest
Yes....it hurt...but these small sacrifices for the art are worth it! LOL
For: prickly contest
Early morning sun shining through the mist on the River Eden
Two completely different living things on the opposite spectrum of life fullfilling their desire for companionship.