Be Careful, You are in my sights...

My name is Thyme Alizabeth.
For: your name 2 contest
Used the face closeup as a layer, changed the mode to darken, took down the opacity just a bit. Both are my photos.
Freedom to me is the US military and the sacrifices they make to protect our freedom. My husband is a US Army Infantryman and he will be going to Afghanistan in October to fight for just that.
For: freedom contest
Processed and converted to B&W with Lightroom
For: carvings contest
Who says the split has to be vertical :)
A big thanks to my model for standing outside patiently (and very still) while I took over 10 gig worth of shots trying to catch a lightning bolt! The soft focus on the woman is intentional.
For: window drops contest
Sorry Friend I had to!!! :p
For: helmet contest
This is what I do when I'm bored, I rub dirt on people's face and take photos, always fun to see the reaction of people watching.
there comes a day in every snowman's life...they hear the dreaded word...."Spring"
For: snowman contest
For: eye candy contest