Before the rain comes

Tried to capture a bit of the atmosphere of the hard life
Tried to capture a bit of the atmosphere of the hard life
cropped in PS
For: purple contest
Adjusted levels in PS
For: butterflies contest
If only real children stood this still!
Idea came to my mind whilst taking cupcakes out of the oven. So found the sweet letters, set up the cupcakes, switched the oven light on and took the photo. Then I ate the cupcakes!
For: your name contest
cropped the photo and adjusted the colours in PS
For: your name contest
For: uniforms 2 contest
colour adjusted in PS
For: amazing ceilings 2 contest
Straightened, cropped and colour adjusted in PS
For: amazing ceilings 2 contest
Cropped and colour adjusted in PS
For: single leaf contest
Cropped and adjusted colours in PS
For: amusement parks 2 contest
photo taken in an old unused graveyard
For: graveyards 2 contest
photograph taken in an old graveyard; used PS to straighten and crop
For: graveyards 2 contest