Paddy PXL

    Paddy PXL

    For: pxl letters contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 57.44%
    » Rank: 13 out of 31

    Booked PXL

    Booked PXL

    For: pxl letters contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 54.49%
    » Rank: 25 out of 31

    Filmed PXL

    Filmed PXL

    For: pxl letters contest

    » Score: 55.9%
    » Rank: 21 out of 31



    For: water droplets contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 52.83%
    » Rank: 51 out of 62

    Droppers Drop

    Droppers Drop

    For: water droplets contest

    » Score: 52.74%
    » Rank: 52 out of 62



    Hi res uploaded,as requested.

    For: water droplets contest

    » Comments: 6
    » Score: 59.54%
    » Rank: 11 out of 62

    In Search

    In Search

    For: slugs contest

    » Score: 53.55%
    » Rank: 18 out of 26

    Head here..!

    Head here..!

    For: sign posts contest

    » Score: 51.26%
    » Rank: 23 out of 24



    For: minimalism 2 contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 53.31%
    » Rank: 38 out of 54

    A long time ago

    A long time ago

    For: doors contest

    » Comments: 4
    » Score: 57.64%
    » Rank: 17 out of 43

    Ancient times

    Ancient times

    For: doors contest

    » Score: 54.63%
    » Rank: 26 out of 43



    For: doors contest

    » Score: 53.88%
    » Rank: 30 out of 43

    Just me

    Just me

    For: minimalism 2 contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 53.27%
    » Rank: 39 out of 54

    Just click me

    Just click me

    For: macro bugs 2 contest

    » Score: 55.35%
    » Rank: 49 out of 69

    weaved my home..!

    weaved my home..!

    For: macro bugs 2 contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 52.94%
    » Rank: 63 out of 69



    For: family portraits contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 53.77%
    » Rank: 24 out of 28

    Come to me..!

    Come to me..!

    For: family portraits contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 52.81%
    » Rank: 26 out of 28

    To the end it leads..!

    To the end it leads..!

    For: vanishing point contest

    » Comments: 1
    » Score: 50.34%
    » Rank: 25 out of 28



    For: vanishing point contest

    » Comments: 4
    » Score: 60.54%
    » Rank: 6 out of 28