12 comments given:
avatar cazanah
cazanah says:

Congratz erikuri!!!

(5 years and 3345 days ago)

avatar cazanah
cazanah says:

Congratz!! You won. Well deserved! ^_^

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

Silent Night
avatar cazanah
cazanah says:

Simple yet Stunning. Simply stunning! Great Job.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

North Pole
avatar cazanah
cazanah says:

I don't know if I'd except that gift from Santa, he's a little creepy. Very nice and scary.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

"Straight From Santa"
avatar cazanah
cazanah says:

Stunning! She reminds me of the "Sirens" from Greek mythology; just she's a single seductress who lures people with her enchanting music in order to do them harm. But hey for all I know, she could be luring people to give them CUPCAKES!!! lol Love it. Fabulous!

(5 years and 3348 days ago)

Want Me To Play For You?
avatar cazanah
cazanah says:

This is truly beautiful. Were the swans drawn? or are they from a source?

(5 years and 3348 days ago)

Landscape II
avatar cazanah
cazanah says:

Me: Right clicks on high res picture -> Use Image as Desktop Picture.

Fabulous composition! Wonderful use of tutorials. Looks like something you'd see of the back of a holiday card.

(5 years and 3349 days ago)

Silent Night