2 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Steve1972
Steve1972 says:

the transformation is not extraordinary, as work load, but the result is wonderful! i love it!

(5 years and 3122 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice work author...gl

(5 years and 3560 days ago)

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

It's different, certainly!

(5 years and 3560 days ago)

no avatar
oryann says:

This is so awesome. It's my favorite for sure. I love the theme and I love the work, and it's incredibly creative.. Very beautiful!!!

(5 years and 3560 days ago)

avatar DigitalDreamer

This is great works I like the idea. (please fix link to the source on source2) Good luck author.

(5 years and 3560 days ago)
