Of Life at Once Untie

With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate Of life at once untie: poor venomous fool Be angry, and dispatch. —Cleopatra, Act V, scene II Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare
For: weaving contest
With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate Of life at once untie: poor venomous fool Be angry, and dispatch. —Cleopatra, Act V, scene II Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare
For: weaving contest
snatched a moment from the living room of this couple...:) thanks to sxc.hu for photos..
A little kitten making a pot.
For: white castle contest
updated according rto the suggestions....
For: white castle contest
Castle created with source. Thanks to Lelaina, maf5002, bertvthul and costi Also thanks to javierzhx.deviantart.com/ for cloud brushes.
For: white castle contest
I did the Yellow Pill contest by accident - it was for levels 5-, so will enter it now. Pills were used for butterflies, vase, flowers, leaves and background. Stems were added with brush tool. No outside sources. Please see SBS
For: old contests contest
Gorillas created all with source, faces draw with guidance from reference, thanks to "lbogdan" background thanks to "alitaylor"
For: straw bales contest
Source and Photoshop CS 4
For: mate contest
Thank to dracoart-stock in DA for the background. Sorry, I have no time now, so I just show some SBS
For: mate contest
All source ;D Poor little one tripped ...hee hee
For: iron sun contest
Graveyard is sourceimage from a previous contest.
For: restaurant placement contest
There're many ways to fly to the sky and this is how Elvis the robot can reach the clouds... I used only the sky from deadenddoll-stock as the external source, the other parts were done by drawing using Photoshop.
For: iron sun contest
cant find any good title =P
For: white rose contest
Dodge and burn contest: Goal: Make a square canvas with a grey background and create an image using dodge, burn, and smudge tools only. You can only use these tools, but it is allowed to use external references to base your work on. If you do, don't forget to mention them in your sources or SBS g...
For: old contests contest
This was created for the contest: http://www.pxleyes.com/photoshop-contest/13229/letters.html but I uploaded it when the time had run out and couldn't participate ;( All source with reference...
For: old contests contest
PXL Members Contest.... Goal: PXL members donate pictures of themselves, and it is your job to manipulate their images to make them look either good or evil. Chop them into unusual places, mess with their proportions, give them funny costumes... but do not post anything that would be considered of...
For: old contests contest
..because I love him so! EDIT: Made changes on text, suggested by DanLundberg, and perspective suggested by dinomario10, Thanks for your advice.
only source image used.
For: mate contest
Only the source image is used
For: mate contest
Only source image used
For: mate contest