Mom...... Where are you...?

I am almost dead.... to finish this.................!!!!!! please watch the high resolution too...
For: egg contest
I am almost dead.... to finish this.................!!!!!! please watch the high resolution too...
For: egg contest
This is a surreal work..and I tried to show the bound between the "artist battle field"..which clearly is PS and the art piece itself...that's why I thought it would be nice to let the transparency texture on the background...I hope that now it makes sense. credits and thanks: http://n...
evolution doesnt have limits
For: kitchen creatures contest
Inspired from the Lord of the rings movies... thanks and credits to 'duchesssa', 'salsachica ', 'Magos' and sxc hu Please see the enlarged version before voting...
For: kitchen creatures contest
Source only, clouds filter for background and soft brushes
For: falcon contest
made from source only
For: falcon contest
Only source used
For: falcon contest
2205, 100 years after the resettlement of the human kind on Earth with the story of Wall-E and Eve, people prolong the life by transforming into hybrid robot. They are trying to recover the Earth with green color, but up to that time, most of the Earth surface is still covered with pollutants. Peopl...
This pot was inspired by some of the ancient pots I remember from art history. I did a quick sketch of two pots & chose to go with the older style. There are no references used.
For: pots contest
The dropping economy not only affected humans but others as well... No outside sources
For: matches contest
Was not as easy as I thought, especially because I wanted to make it look as realistic as possible.
For: all binary contest
Inspire by my favourite artist Jaskier work This entry is the result of learning and observing his style and doing some "trial and error" efforts.
For: glass holder contest
Source Only
For: glass holder contest
Only the source image is used
For: glass holder contest
For: chestnut contest
Only Source
For: chestnut contest
all source
For: chestnut contest