Choco castle

Welcome to choco castle in the choco land....:)
For: castles contest
Welcome to choco castle in the choco land....:)
For: castles contest
For: male fairies contest
... Thanks to linzstock for the dude :) Thanks to Rustymermaid-stock for the awesome log macro. also thanks to strwberrystk for what little of the water I used. I created the wings using some of the material from the log and then liquefying it I have sbs for the wings.
For: male fairies contest
See hi-res, then you'll understand the title. ;-) Basic photoshop tools and methods, lots of images and a couple of brushes from Brusheezy and Obsidian Dawn.
For: male fairies contest
Only Source
For: curved arrow contest
One day the Sun stops burning and the world covered with darkness. This is a story about a man who is far away from home when the darkness appears. The way home for him is very struggle because it's a labyrinth. A God of darkness wants to help him but also want to challenge his love, so he gives the...
For: curved arrow contest
For: curved arrow contest
For: curved arrow contest
Part butterfly, part iguana.
For: iguana contest
thanks to my sister for all the suggestions and support... feel free to comment...
For: iguana contest
All made using the given source by making shapes using pen tool and blending it...SBS updated
For: iguana contest
Thank you the following for the stocks : Eagle : Lizard: Horse: Men: http://felixdeon.deviant...
For: iguana contest
view Highres before voting.
For: iguana contest
Thanks to clarita at morguefile for the scene of Morocco; to taliesin at morguefile for the desert foreground photo;xandert at morguefile for the cactus photo;lisasolonynko at morguefile for the 2 camel photos; and for the raven, thanks to mrmac04 at morguefile. Small bird is drawn with brush too...
Sorry It came out so dark! ;o; When I was colouring it, it looked normal, but when I went to look at it on my sister's laptop... er... I guess it looks dark (since my desktop screen is lighter, I guess?). I don't know, I bearly got my new computer! So either way I guess I'm happy~ -- ps. I tried...
For: manga contest
Thanks to hilleke for the pump photo; Flowers and leaves are all created from the striped canopy swing covers and leaves of tree. Lots of resizing, rotating, and burning in shadows at end. Cardinal is handdrawn with brush and pen tools.
I had to make a little change to the field I had used before because i misunderstood the rules of the image. Credits to: Marcus Ranum - theflickerees-stock -
additional sources provided by; 아침놀 (yep, thats how you spell it, we'll just call him Bob) and Quang Minh
For: cogs contest
All sources used are mine Enjoy!
All Photoshop, No references or outside sources. :)