Homage to Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow...a terrible film, but lovely eye candy!
For: boy london contest
Homage to Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow...a terrible film, but lovely eye candy!
For: boy london contest
Changed the tail from ext. image to PS work. Lot's of work here :) Ony eye is ext.
For: exotic plant contest
Please view high resolution.
the globe it was made with C4D...and i'll post on it!!!!
No sources used. four diferent angles.
Only contest source used. Made this one for my daughter. Thank you for your votes.
For: chandelier contest
Only source
For: chandelier contest
Only the source image used
For: chandelier contest
*playing around with color, texture and blending modes. *See sbs to see the original image.
For: movie makeup contest
Other source: -Big chain Updated :with shadow :)
For: surrealism contest
For: surrealism contest
An oldie from the PST times Thanks to Andeyutzu, Escerna and Danielle20 from SCX and to Paulo Brandao from Flickr.
For: surrealism contest
Credits: Models by Marcus Ranum Texture by CSnyder
For: surrealism contest
Thanks to Zela and Marcus Ranum ( king - man - metal texture - queen - http://ww...
For: surrealism contest
my previous entry was removed and i was asked to submit it again with the nude parts covered. so here is the censored version of the image. BUT! before voting please visit the following link (only if you're 18+) before voting and vote the original image, and not the black dots. link to origina...
For: surrealism contest
Thanks to
For: hour glasses contest
Poor little drunk dude is seeing things ;P ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ All source... Reference used... Bubble brush used...
For: dwarf contest
Only gnome source was used for everything in this entry. Some shapes were made using liquify tool, others with lasso tool and brush tools. See SBS for details.
For: dwarf contest
Source image manipulated in Photoshop CS4
For: dwarf contest