Dragon Heaven mill

fantasy mill land protected by a fire dragon. this project was inspired by this photo http://cooledition.deviantart.com/art/Dreamland-101323396
fantasy mill land protected by a fire dragon. this project was inspired by this photo http://cooledition.deviantart.com/art/Dreamland-101323396
Thanks and credits to Glennpeb
This is an old image i did from PST. therefore i had to do alot of research to find my old sources. Thanks to Giulia for the ship source! And a HUGE thank to CGtextures.com for all the other sources. The clouds, birds and trees are just brushes which i did't found again from Deviantart. ...
Used just the source picture. I wanted to make Don Quixote look unreal, like some Dali's paintings.
Micro Pattern Brushes: Obsidian Down
For: fish head contest
This the first time I'm trying something like this... It was fun :)
For: day to night contest
Big thanks to mymy from PXLeyes for the moon image. Other image my own, see SBS.
For: day to night contest
For: day to night contest
Only source.
For: fan penguins contest
to all.
For: fan penguins contest
Only the source image is used
For: water plants contest
Edit: Added Gaussian blur to background, to create more depth, Thanks pixelkid for your suggestion ;)
For: water plants contest
Used only the sourse picture. Plants by the water always remind me of something magical.
For: water plants contest
source only used.... model created in Bryce.... lots of warp and liquify for this one...... **had to do wing adjustments** ok...added a little something or other for background, would put in more time, but i promised to help my mother move, so i'll be photoshopless for a few days. oh, and i ad...
For: water plants contest
My nightmares usually involve being chased by something and not being able to get away. I hate that. Thanks to dheks, who has been notified.
For: nightmares contest
3ds Max 2010 and Mental Ray rendering. I wanted to do a Roman helmet, so given what I know, i browsed around the web, looked in books, Anway I found this site: http://www.gunsandswords.com/roman-centurion-helmet.html. This is where I got my inspiration.
For: helmets contest
Source 1 URL : thanks Nick Lawes
For: squirrel contest
In the future, Chickens will revert back to Dinosaurs.
What if the meteor that helped end the reign of the dinosaurs missed earth? Science believes they could have evolved high intelligence to become the dominant species on the planet instead of us mammals. Thanks to Giallo and spaceranger for the use of their images.
Even when mankind is extinct and the great apes run machines telepathically, they'll still need DJs.
Plzz check out high resolution... Made in photoshop using only brush , history brush and some selection tools. also all comments will be appreciated as always...
For: gravity off contest
May some dont know what an Abacus/Abakus is. Check it out here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abacus source only
For: amish chair contest
Lets just say it was a lot of work. I probably used about 80 layers.
For: amish chair contest