Ugly and Dangerous

All painting is made with Photoshop. Please see the sbs before voting and commenting.
For: flowers contest
All painting is made with Photoshop. Please see the sbs before voting and commenting.
For: flowers contest
Mainly brush pens and watercolor. Please see the sbs before voting.
For: flowers contest
No 2 pencil charcoal pencil black ink colored pencils
For: flowers contest
Hand drawn with 0.3 pen and pencil
For: flowers contest
Sorry guys, it is hard for me to pronounce the name of this beautiful flower. We got some long ago, different colors and shapes, and wanted to share a photo and a drawing of one of them. This drawing was done using a felt pen.
For: flowers contest
I like flowers. Rose is one of my favorites. I have some growing in the garden. There is where I got the idea of making a drawing of a rose first, then fill the outlines with color. I tried Illustrator, but I think PS worked much better. I used the smudge tool, as I have done in some of my works...
For: flowers contest
The best way to surprise the 7 Dwarfs is to give them cake after a long day of working. So that's what Slowwhipe does! She's barely in the mine or Gula is already jumping into the cake to eat it all alone. Ira, also hungry, gets furious! Acedia doesn't care much and just continues sleeping. Luxuria ...
For: deadly sins contest
This is my concept of an ideal hero. Focus. Control. Conviction. Resolve. A true hero lacks none of these attributes. Material used: gouache on paper.
For: superhero contest
The Bounty slinks out of the outer rim wormhole.... All models and textures self made. see SBS. Thanks to NASA for the great images See Links.
For: space travel contest
...Thanks to "Magmarama" for source 1....i use this for SpaceShip texture ...Thanks to "resurgere" for source 2....i use this for Background texture
For: space travel contest
Credit to midnightstouch from DA for the great brushes Credit to KillR-B from sxc for the reference image. Unfortunately I lost the original SBS when PST went down, luckily I still had the image on my HDD. I've done the best I can with the SBS at least you can see the basic techniques ...
Thanks to juliaf, Crowhand, kabir and teofilo for the generous use of their photos.
For: teepee contest
Thanks to NineTen for the background picture Hope you enjoy it
For: teepee contest
I cut pieces from the porcelain pumpkin image, added them onto the stone ball. Colored and added shadows to every element. Added dwarf, added shadows for him, added backround and grass, and colored using a couple of adjustment layers. Added butterflies, galaxies and light beams brushes. Added gra...
For: stone ball contest
all source used one set of brushes
For: mask closeup contest
This is some years after the war. With nothing to do but survive she added her own drawings on an ancient cavewall, thinking about time and how it must have been...long ago...
Only source ..
For: mask closeup contest
This is primarily photoshop with one outside source. I used smart sharpen on the mask image and worked to marry photos with illustration. Even the background is from the contest source. Combination of noise and texture filters with gaussian blurs created the textures.
For: mask closeup contest
I used only the source image to create this baby dragon who is very much fond of growing flowers.
For: stones contest
Only the source image is used.
For: stones contest
Children always remember the fun times.