Come on daddy, It's funny

The first chopper Hope you like it
The first chopper Hope you like it
what I saw looking at the source were lots of lines and this is how the line horse was born. after countless layers and lots of time I think the result is simple but also complicated like the horse I wish to have one day (this time a real one)
For: map stack contest
Only source :)
For: map stack contest
Old entry, did a few edits on it since last time, like the bottom of the nose.
For: blowball contest
Oldie one :-) ------- Only source used and plenty of PS :-)
For: blowball contest
No outside source used.
For: sowing wheel contest
An oldie... I had began it with an illustration for the face, but changed it when I was notified I couldn't use it ;) (edit: lightened face)
For: sowing wheel contest
Had a lot of fun making this trinket. Only source used, I used my own spider photo I took for reference which I will post in the SBS ENJOY
For: sowing wheel contest
Only the source is used.
For: sowing wheel contest
all source and ps
For: sowing wheel contest
One of my "old kids"... hope you still like it :-) -------------------------------- Thanks again to Mr. Don Showalter for letting me use his model as a reference... check out the SBS for any further detail...
For: red balls contest
All source image
For: red balls contest
Limbo (Latin limbus, edge or boundary, referring to the "edge" of Hell) is an idea about the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the damned.
For: flamingo contest
I got the image of a spring and selected it using the pen tool. I put it over the flamingo in the source image after I made it bigger. I used the ctrl+Shift+I+ Del method to cut the flamingo into the spring shape. I played with the blending modes and opacities to get the spring to look more like th...
For: flamingo contest
credits and thanks: Details in SBS. Enjoy!
For: flamingo contest
And old entry I wrote a short story to go w/ it the first time...(but didn't save it) Basically "Clara's" Brat older brother stole her new scarf that grandma knitted for her for Christmas... and you can tell from the image what the happened next.
For: snow man contest
All is made from the source.
I always wanted to make a bonsai tree from scratch using PS, this is my opportunity to present you an edible bonsai tree. No outside images used in the making of this entry, just the one provided by pxleyes.... good luck to all of you!
For: burger contest
I selected pieces from source image, reconstructed elephant based on source 1, merged all elements, placed sky backround, added shadows using different grey brushes on a separate layer and changed blending mode to hard light. Added some gradient adjustment layers for coloring, corrected some areas ...
For: drum beats contest
I felt like doing something different...something that I couldn't quite put my finger on myself....! Hope I succeeded! You tell! Alien reconstruction entirely out of source image. From the female portrait used I kept only the face and built everything around it. A lot of colouring proc...
For: bath filling contest
Only source used...with references...
For: sleepy chick contest
Thanks to my beautiful friend Nicole for the picture and a big thanks to the photographer: 'Sam Chammas' :) (edit: left wing fixed)
For: sleepy chick contest