The Mystic's Strings

By the light of its master's incandescent neckpiece, the creature pranced under a looming palm, brought to life by the Mystic's strings.
For: puppetize me contest
By the light of its master's incandescent neckpiece, the creature pranced under a looming palm, brought to life by the Mystic's strings.
For: puppetize me contest
tx for the source fire salamander
For: red shoes contest
even the Count has to see the dentist sometime, and who better to trust! *thank you to Neveryph Stock at deviant art for the decay brushes. *Thank You to davidgsteadman at flickr for an awesome source picture!
For: vampirize contest
inspired by anne rice's child vampire "claudia" in "Interview with a Vampire" where the vampire Lestat had turned a young girl into a vampire. This is my rendition, using my own stock photo of a young boy.
For: vampirize contest
Vampires favorite type of moon, this was fun!!! Edited background.....I think it looks better this way, what does everyone else think.
For: vampirize contest
When even a drop of water is precious...
improvements already made. thanks to your suggestions .
source and my photos
For: banana slug contest
Apart from the girl the image is made with the source. I am making a full SbS and post it in the SBS area so just posting a small one here. set of brushes used
For: banana slug contest
Thanks and credits to the following people for the awesome pictures. haylesbaby,Vidor,bullet69,Mattox
Thanks to SheisprettyStock from Deviant Art for the vines.
Only source used.
For: hair closeup contest
The squirrel's tail was made with the hair. See SBS.
For: hair closeup contest
only source image used
For: hair closeup contest
the kidnapper didn't know what he was getting into.. thanks to west.m for the billboard picture
For: ransom note contest
source and PS
For: suspension bridge contest
Why envy is thin... (from the Spanish Proverb) My photo and source ****************************** Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point - that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one ...
For: suspension bridge contest
just used cloud brushes but rest is source. The brushes links are located in the sbs
For: heart contest
Thanks to Night Fate from
For: heart contest
this pic is not as complicated as it looks, meaning that it is easy to create. Mostly it was done using transform tool, masking, and some lighting effect (filter>render>lighting) to render the texture I created previously by going to channels and create a new channel for the texture. after th...
For: heart contest
Here's a visualization of a restaurant called "The London Road" which is my design. 3DS max 2010 and Vray 1.5 rendering. This image took approx 5 days. 3 days modeling and 2 days for the lighting rig. So here comes the boring bit! credits too: Leather by Banshee Flooring by...
For: the light contest