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Well executed and very creative
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Nice.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)I may be wrong but I believe men are, on average, a bit taller than women. So I think the perspective is off a bit with all three of them being the same height. Plus with the women behind "Mr. Sunglasses Indoors" either he has little man complex or they are from Amazonia (is that a place?). Also, if you'll soften the edges of his arms he won't look so cut out.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Nice Chop. The only thing I see is that the plantlife doesn't match. Picking either seaweed or pines would make this flow a bit better, I think.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Wow
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Really nice. Almost a Thomas Kincade look. Shadow work is outstanding.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Agree with CMYK about the clouds. First think I noticed. They kind of detract from an otherwise excellent peice. Also, you might try staggering the fence pickets so the wood grain doesn't line up to give it some randomness.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Really nice rendition of a classic. I have the hardes time with hair but you've done a wonderful job. I'd love to see a little more detail in the SBS as to how you did that. There is some incongruity as to the shadows. The light source is behind the shell, so is the shadow. Also, I think the intensity of her shadow needs to match that of the shell on the sand.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Very nice use of light. Left arm looks a little wonky. I think it's the bicep just below the elbow.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Well done. A couple of those flowers almost look carnivorous. I like it. I don't see a stem for the big red one.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)That's seriously thinking outside the box. This is a cool peice. Good Work. Good Luck.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Very nice mood.
(5 years and 3908 days ago)Very nice SBS. Some good techniques I plan to use when I can.
(5 years and 3909 days ago)Stands apart from the rest. Very original.
(5 years and 3909 days ago)Sweeeeet!
(5 years and 3909 days ago)Ewwww. Cool! I think that guy's spent too much time in the sun. It's very hard on the skin. The little blue patch in the lower left seems out of place. Can that be removed? I like minimalism so I'd recommend removing the right "hole" in the head.
(5 years and 3909 days ago)Very DaVincian. Perhaps a little sepia would enhance the effect a bit. Good Job and GL
(5 years and 3909 days ago)He's kinda cute in a monsterish sort of way. Good work with the hair.
(5 years and 3909 days ago)Great idea but ditto on the text comments. I'm curious about the white bars at the bottom of each window. That part eludes me.
(5 years and 3909 days ago)This is visually a very nice, albeit dark, peice. I suggest you pick a theme for all three windows. Something needs to be the thread that ties all three windows together. Music? The environment? Manicures? Still, this is a visually interesting peice with lots to consider, just needs some cohesion.
(5 years and 3909 days ago)I like this alot. Would recommend doing something with the rendered clouds in the bottom left. Kinda detracts from the overall coolness of the peice.
(5 years and 3909 days ago)Just move the shadow so the toes touch and give it a very slight blur and I think you'll have a better peice.
(5 years and 3910 days ago)Very nice! Looks like it could be a real butterfly. Perhaps you could either make the background a finger or a flower or even put a stick pin through it and lable it all scientific like. Just a thought.
(5 years and 3910 days ago)Nice! The bird in the left corner is supposed to be behind the clouds, I think, but he just looks transparent. recommend bringing him infront of the clouds (my apologies to the bird if it's a girl)
(5 years and 3910 days ago)Nice. Inventive.
(5 years and 3910 days ago)I like the way it looks very musical. Lots of movement from an otherwise static image. Good job!
(5 years and 3910 days ago)This almost has the feel of a Rembrandt!
(5 years and 3910 days ago)This is well done. Should the "Ghost Wizard" be a tad transparent?
(5 years and 3910 days ago)Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and really like this! Does Mr. Driver need a face?
(5 years and 3910 days ago)Very cool image. Maybe make the sand on the right of the door and the hills on the left of the door have similar color. Might give it a more seemeless look. Other than that this is very imaginative.
(5 years and 3910 days ago)I don't think grass would grow under pavement! But I like the idea.
(5 years and 3910 days ago)Perhaps yu could tone down some of the stars and add a constellation or two.
(5 years and 3910 days ago)Ditto on the glow comments. But I like this one although she could seriously use a hair brush
(5 years and 3910 days ago)I really hope this guy doesn't wear contacts. Dust storms would be a nightmare!
(5 years and 3910 days ago)Very cartoony and very nice. I like it. Shadows ought to point in the same direction I think.
(5 years and 3910 days ago)I like the feel of this peice alot. In Hi-Res it looks a little flat. give it a little depth and I think you'll have an awesome peice.
(5 years and 3910 days ago)Very nice juxtaposition of images. I like it.
(5 years and 3911 days ago)simple yet effective. Nicely done.
(5 years and 3911 days ago)While the techical skill is obvious, this peice is in extemely poor taste and IMHO ought to be removed. The flag notwithstanding this is horrible.
(5 years and 3911 days ago)Brilliant. Are the boots blurry on purpose?
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Does it bite?
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Good job and good luck. Take a look at the shadow on the ground. There should be a shadow of the people through the bench and onto the ground.
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Wow!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Hmmm. Wow. Gross? I'm not sure if I like or I'm entirely repulsed.
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Love it. Great Idea.
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Awesome. You might try using the "extract" filter on the hair for a cleaner look.
(5 years and 3913 days ago)That's real skill. Flying with only half a wing!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)I think the position of her neck in relation to her shoulders seems odd.
(5 years and 3915 days ago)Extremely creative. Water flows. I'd suggest making the watter spread out more as it comes out of the bag. I like this. Good Luck!
(5 years and 3916 days ago)My favorite in this contest. Take a look at the shadow under the tape measure right next to the 5 inch mark. It looks like the shadow is missing for about a quarter inch. Should go all the way to the orange handle. All else appears perfect.
(5 years and 3916 days ago)