
I've never even heard of this effect so I thought I'd give it a go.
I've never even heard of this effect so I thought I'd give it a go.
Used the source for this and the Chess Piece contest. A little masking, a little coloring, a little blending and a little plastic wrap and there you have it.
For: bowling pin contest
Sorta speaks for itself.
For: failed cellphones contest
Another attempt at breaking the barrier.
For: notes contest
Was trying to find a creative way to bring something out of the notes. Break the "third wall" as it were.
For: notes contest
I once saw a flawless crystal ball at a museum and it played tricks on my eyes because I could see the distored things behind it but I couldn't actually see the glass itself. The attempt here was to recreate that.
Just wanted to have some fun with this. Used source image plus knife. Added Sweat drops to add to the guilt of the alleged perp.
For: avocado contest
This is a study in symmetry. The SBS will explain.
Source only. Lots of masking and blending. A little cloning and some burning. Shadow a simply black oval with a lot of gaussian blur. Someone had to do it! (Note: Changed the name. New name means "Stands Alone")
For: avocado contest
Atlas is the son of the Titan Iapetus and Clymene (or Asia), and brother of Prometheus. Atlas was punished by Zeus and made to bear the weight of the heavens (the idea of Atlas carrying the Earth isn't correct according to the original myth) on his back. One of Heracles's labours was to collect the ...
For: greek gods contest
Thought this would make an interesting picture. EDIT: Tried to change to color to skin tone where he is in front of the finger. Comments and criticisms very welcome!
I'm certain that if pigs could fly, this would happen to at least one. Used threshold, gaussian blur, and a little opacity. Quick and Painless (for me, not the pig) Note: Links fixed
For: antique lamp contest