109 comments given:
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intersting, bt u might just want to get rid of the jaggy edges good luck!

(5 years and 3531 days ago)

3d vision
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(5 years and 3531 days ago)

avatar chromathoughts

gud 1

(5 years and 3531 days ago)

avatar chromathoughts

yup its nice work, bt doesn't give the feel of a vampire, good luck though

(5 years and 3532 days ago)

avatar chromathoughts

intersting idea, good luck author

(5 years and 3532 days ago)

Upside Downer
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gud 1, good luck

(5 years and 3532 days ago)

dog gone out
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fantastic job, good luck

(5 years and 3533 days ago)

avatar chromathoughts

good try

(5 years and 3541 days ago)

Wow! a matching shadow
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beautiful work, well done

(5 years and 3542 days ago)

avatar chromathoughts

wonderful image
good luck author

(5 years and 3542 days ago)

Lonely Boy
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nothing much done with the source images, though u could have utilized it in a far better n convincing manner, good luck though

(5 years and 3544 days ago)

lonely path to the top
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not beautiful bt awesome collage........gud luck..

(5 years and 3670 days ago)

avatar chromathoughts

the pose is quite interseting.............gl though

(5 years and 3672 days ago)

winged one
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your lineart is a little messy............u migh want to fix that up...gl though..

(5 years and 3676 days ago)

avatar chromathoughts

try dodge n burn to make it more realistic..............GL

(5 years and 3679 days ago)

New Clown in Town
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nice idea.....bt u need to work on masking......i'll hold my vote till u update it....gl

(5 years and 3681 days ago)

Brighter Look
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using 3ds max or ny other 3d program is allowed................go and read some rules before crticizing, plus it is a decent manipulation in PS ...........btw great work author n GL

(5 years and 3681 days ago)

Advanced bulb
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love it..........gl

(5 years and 3682 days ago)

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i dont get the concept???

(5 years and 3682 days ago)

fading life(bulb)...
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(5 years and 3684 days ago)

Robot Island
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(5 years and 3684 days ago)

old photo
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(5 years and 3684 days ago)

Haunted Castle..
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(5 years and 3684 days ago)

dead tree
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(5 years and 3684 days ago)

Clash at Dawn
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needs more finishing.........gud luck

(5 years and 3689 days ago)

The Hand of Death
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pretty dark......gl though

(5 years and 3689 days ago)

moon lake
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nicely done.......GL

(5 years and 3689 days ago)

old photo
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well done n gud luck

(5 years and 3689 days ago)

dead tree
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good luck

(5 years and 3689 days ago)

Clash at Dawn
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nice thought.....GL

(5 years and 3689 days ago)

Leasure day
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gud work............i love the sky.....GL

(5 years and 3689 days ago)

Robot Island
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nice.......bt y is the selection visible here??????

(5 years and 3692 days ago)

Photoshop IceCream w/ Cherry
avatar chromathoughts

too much pixelated.............

(5 years and 3695 days ago)

Going Home
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nice, bt the sun is at the top right, then howcome a shadow on bottom right?

(5 years and 3698 days ago)

Away from Everything
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nicely done.........gud luck

(5 years and 3698 days ago)

Look out side....