5 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Toothpick134

Mods will delete this because it has content from a film.

(5 years and 3436 days ago)

once a king always a king...
avatar spaceranger
Moderator says:

You must read the rules and guidelines. Googled images, images from blogs and wallpaper are not acceptable. this is a quote from the site you used from their terms of use:

"You shall not copy, distribute, publish, perform, modify download, transmit, transfer, sell, or license, create derivative works from or based on, publicly display, frame, link, or in any other way exploit any of the Content or Code, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of SantaBanta.com or the respective copyright holder."

(5 years and 3436 days ago)

once a king always a king...
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Pretty cool, but very difficult to see. A high res, perhaps? And maybe some judicious cropping if you have the pixels to spare

(5 years and 3440 days ago)

Dog-on the roof