24 favorites received:

Dirty game

Dirty game

only source used....

For: black marker contest

» Comments: 20
» Score: 62.55%
» Rank: 2 out of 12



no external source...

For: fall contest

» Comments: 9
» Score: 56.74%
» Rank: 7 out of 18



"I got fish" in ps....

For: typography art contest

» Comments: 10
» Score: 59.51%
» Rank: 8 out of 45

night show

night show

only an attempt to recreate stage show... no external source...

For: empty plate contest

» Comments: 16
» Score: 61.57%
» Rank: 2 out of 11



tried bumps and reflections...

For: dodge and burn contest

» Comments: 3
» Score: 54.76%
» Rank: 19 out of 22

save earth

save earth

thanks to sxc.hu for hands and reference of earth

For: being green contest

» Comments: 5
» Score: 53.87%
» Rank: 12 out of 17



well, tried a bit of robotics...:) feel free to comment...

For: cork screw contest

» Comments: 10
» Score: 58.58%
» Rank: 5 out of 15

Cool guy wants to die??

Cool guy wants to die??

please comment and vote...

For: smileys contest

» Comments: 9
» Score: 59.65%
» Rank: 6 out of 16

The unknown bird

The unknown bird

thanks to my sister for all the suggestions and support... feel free to comment...

For: iguana contest

» Comments: 11
» Score: 59.56%
» Rank: 5 out of 27

Choco castle

Choco castle

Welcome to choco castle in the choco land....:)

For: castles contest

» Comments: 5
» Score: 59.95%
» Rank: 3 out of 8

Dragon flies?

Dragon flies?

inspired by dragon

For: valencia contest

» Comments: 15
» Score: 63.69%
» Rank: 5 out of 24



lil cartoonic stuff...:)

For: egg contest

» Comments: 13
» Score: 61.19%
» Rank: 6 out of 37



huge 3 player chess... please vote and comment this entry...

For: chess pieces contest

» Comments: 23
» Score: 66.85%
» Rank: 3 out of 14



snatched a moment from the living room of this couple...:) thanks to sxc.hu for photos..

For: animal hobbies contest

» Comments: 22
» Score: 60.75%
» Rank: 2 out of 15

electronic b.card

electronic b.card

you cant meet Crooked cursor at his home, if you are not possesing one of his electronic b.card...:)

For: business cards contest

» Comments: 20
» Score: 61.63%
» Rank: 1 out of 27

futuristic car

futuristic car

here is the car which i dream to drive some day, in the air, under water and on roads when - as it incorporates features required for all 3 modes... thanks to Scott Liddell (hot black) for the ground image.... and thanks to Eugenio Rada(earn31) for sky.. in sxc.hu... thanks to the mods f...

For: car designs contest

» Comments: 11
» Score: 62.11%
» Rank: 2 out of 6



truth for the day: horizantal stripes running around room are of same colour.. ||ly vertical lines are of same colour... 2 gals along with the shadows are of same size... just duplicated it twice... and... gaze for more...:)

For: optical illusions contest

» Comments: 13
» Score: 60.08%
» Rank: 6 out of 36



lonely hungry hunter....

For: blue bicycle contest

» Comments: 11
» Score: 57.44%
» Rank: 9 out of 17

mirror effect

mirror effect

tried the lighting seen thru mirror....

For: the light contest

» Comments: 1
» Score: 63.52%
» Rank: 4 out of 18



after chopping its looking like 'butterfly inside the elephant' for me...:)

For: pxleyes favicon contest

» Comments: 1
» Score: 56.53%
» Rank: 4 out of 16



hmm... looks like they are ready for war....:)

For: chill statue contest

» Comments: 9
» Score: 54.16%
» Rank: 14 out of 15

I dont want to return..

I dont want to return..

poor guy... source only...

For: playground contest

» Comments: 12
» Score: 58.36%
» Rank: 3 out of 10

bird in hand

bird in hand

used round hard brush with low opacity, with shape dynamics, colour dynamics and scattering options... smudge tool for wood... and layers set in normal, screen, linear dodge, hard light modes...

For: stained glass contest

» Comments: 11
» Score: 60.94%
» Rank: 2 out of 6

For Peace....

For Peace....

It was sent through sky by unknown hands, during war.. with the obvious intension of peace among the all the tribals sharing mother Earth....

For: fantasy weapons contest

» Comments: 4
» Score: 70.67%
» Rank: 2 out of 4