1749 comments given:
avatar cocor
cocor says:

That's great! I had no idea geckos could be living earrings... How did you catch it? they're so shy...

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

Gecko Earring
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cocor says:

I like the frame of this shot, it seems we peep in from outside. Well done!

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

Break In
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cocor says:

... pyromaniac???

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

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cocor says:

In fact I was stressing out that your shot only has many, many, many acute angles so it is more on topic than any other...

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

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cocor says:

Nice image of old age... I would try a bit more contrast.

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

Past it
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cocor says:

Well done!
What are those? Chinese restaurant sticks?

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

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cocor says:

with so many acute angles, I wonder if someone will say that the whole makes a more than 90 angle... hahaha! well done author!

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

Drawn to an Angled Perspective
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cocor says:

... I think waters are too tranquil....

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

Bridge over tranquil waters
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cocor says:

well, I know who the winner would have been if the contest asked for the greatest number of angles... and not even one right angle... wow!

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

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cocor says:

you're an artist!

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

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cocor says:

what a shiny top!

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

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cocor says:

haha! hydrant + natural hydrant... very funny!

(5 years and 3346 days ago)

Stereo Typical
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cocor says:

... it's a bracelet, kyricom! a bracelet! keep your eyes on the bracelet!!!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

Charm Bracelet.
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cocor says:

... it looks like a crown!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

colors in the sun
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cocor says:

Nice shot.Maybe a dark background would havegiven more impact to the delicate colours.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

Fire Agate
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cocor says:

wow, jeani, you're right! Great image! At the beginning I was not so sure about the choice of the background but finally I think it's perfect and the result is very refined.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

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cocor says:

In my opinion, the shot is on topic as watches are (also) sold in jewelry shops.
Very nice image and feelings. Bravo!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

Grandpas Time Piece
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cocor says:

Very nice image. Yet I wonder if the preciousness of the rings would not have been better underlined with a neutral background.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

Mine and hers
avatar cocor
cocor says:

Nice composition. HR would be welcome.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

on this wedding day
avatar cocor
cocor says:

Don't ask mods to remove it, it is on theme!
You know, you can ask to make no comment, but comments will come from the vote itself so...
The bad shots in this contest will simply get low votes....

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

avatar cocor
cocor says:

I like the shadows and also the crumbs of coloured light just near the necklace!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

Chrystal Shadows
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cocor says:

karaflazz and/or author, please explain better: does that mean that a macro of a crystal will never be perfectly on focus? That's very interesting (for those who do not know too much on photography). Thanks!
I'am asking this as I had tried to take this kind of shots and I gave up, the result was far from being perfect.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

I do...
avatar cocor
cocor says:

Very clear colours, clean image

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

old hydrant
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cocor says:

It probably helps put the fire down quicker...

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

Ice Water
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cocor says:

haha! you must have catched the image of the result of the Nova explosion... (see "Splat"
Great shot!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

avatar cocor
cocor says:

A very rare image of a Nova explosion!!!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

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cocor says:

yes, roxy, the author thought it was fireworks but he/she actually managed to take a picture of Star Trek Enterprise!!!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

All of Green
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cocor says:

REMARKABLE!!! What is the vertical part? A tree or another fire? Very nice effect!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

Palm Tree
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cocor says:

It's very interesting how this dark shot turns full of light in Higgh Resolution! Great effect!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

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cocor says:

Lovely!!! It looks like a chrysanthemum

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

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cocor says:

Oooooh, a jellyfish in the sky!!!!
Great movement and delicate colours!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

COOL !!!
avatar cocor
cocor says:

Great!!! It's absolutely perfect to illustrate Gulliver's travel in Brobdingnag!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

avatar cocor
cocor says:

You're right karaflazz but you have to admit it's a very unusual shot and the less than 90 angles represent the very heart of it.
I think creativity should be rewarded. Sometimes there are shots which are technically perfect but they do not transmit anything, they have no life in them. This quietly mad shot does.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

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cocor says:


(5 years and 3347 days ago)

Round and Round We Go
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cocor says:

I think it is suspended but... the other way round....
Very funny kite! I particularly like the effect of the white thread, it looks like the trace left by an airplane.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

avatar cocor
cocor says:

WELCOME to pxleyes!
p.s. Comments are meant to be a friendly help!

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

cb 2
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cocor says:

It definitely is on topic. May I yet suggest you try to compose it a little better: maybe take the shot of the green lamp with the water background only. I think it would have more impact. It would have been a curious photo.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

cb 2
avatar cocor
cocor says:

They're so shiny that they might seem out of focus. HR reveals the cleanliness of the shot and also the very delicate play of reflections.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

avatar cocor
cocor says:

Great shot (and courage!). I would try to put a bit more contrast to it to make it more dramatic.

(5 years and 3347 days ago)

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cocor says:

Great image of the snowflake, yet I would prefer it did not fall on my head...

(5 years and 3348 days ago)

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cocor says:

YES! I agree, she looks suspended...

(5 years and 3348 days ago)

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cocor says:

ooops, sorry WYSIWIG, I only now see that I repeated what you said... well, maybe we're right?...

(5 years and 3348 days ago)

At the beach
avatar cocor
cocor says:

I think for all of us there has been a moment of "I give up" either due to criticism or for having shots eliminated even when you think they are on topic.
I think one of the main (and most interesting) characteristics of this site is that they put together people from different places with very different personalities. The common denominator is the hobby or passion of taking photos. We all have something in common so.... we cannot be that bad...
You'll see, many will help, I have learned many tricks and techniques. Yet it's only a game. If I may suggest, just take the fun part of it.

(5 years and 3348 days ago)

avatar cocor
cocor says:

Delicate... Refined choice of colours. Was this used as Christmas card?

(5 years and 3348 days ago)

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cocor says:

we'll all email you to know how you did it...

(5 years and 3349 days ago)

The Ring
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cocor says:

ooops... maybe I was wrong about the author

(5 years and 3349 days ago)

Just hangin around
avatar cocor
cocor says:

I like these little guys... I think I've already seen them in some other contest. Nice to see them again...

(5 years and 3349 days ago)

Just hangin around
avatar cocor
cocor says:

Great shot! I love it. Have you tried to crop out the building? Perhaps it would give more the idea of a hydrant in a desterted place. Maybe it would look even more unusual.

(5 years and 3349 days ago)

At the beach
avatar cocor
cocor says:

I'm really puzzled by the location of some of the hydrants...

(5 years and 3349 days ago)

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cocor says:

Incredible! I've never seen such a thing! Is it real?

(5 years and 3349 days ago)

White Fire