Adam & Eve

For: odd couples contest
... I mean the tall ones
For: odd couples contest
The seven dwarfs love avocado! (Grumpy is always late, so only 6 little spoons are enough...)
For: cutlery contest
seen from the window of my kitchen
For: home contest
very useful in case of heavy rain...
For: water contest
Samuel Butler wrote a novel on a strange place of nowhere that he called "Erewhon". Maybe that place is similar to the one in the shot...
For: driveby contest
For: junk food contest
ok, now guess...
For: body parts contest
For: driveby contest
This is my alarm clock & meteo station. Pink/lila light means tomorrow will be a sunny day! I wish the same to you all.
For: light source contest
In times of trouble even a match light can be taken for floodlight
For: light source contest
... you'd better like this one as my sister would never let me torture her again...
For: body parts contest
See the wooden basin at the left: the water from the river enters it and produces a centrifuge effect and washes the heavy white woolen covers you can see there. No hot water...
For: water contest
I'm trying to be creative...
For: water contest