"Buy some fancy forks!"-I said

... and this is what I got. One must be veeeery careful when making a request... people might do exactly what you asked...
For: cutlery contest
... and this is what I got. One must be veeeery careful when making a request... people might do exactly what you asked...
For: cutlery contest
just put garlic all over your place and I guarantee you'll have no problem with vampires... :)
2 second exposure on a heavy traffic street
For: time lapse contest
has drawn the plan for my new house. I took a black sheet of thick paper, made a small hole in it with a pair of compasses and took a picture of a small drawn magnet I have on my fridge.
I tried to cut a small round hole in a piece of dark paper but I could not make a perfect circle, therefore I cut a square and chose the smarter of my terracotta hens to tenderly stare at each other...
... his 93rd birthday.
For: elders contest
from the Palatino, one of the seven hills of Rome
For: from above contest
Roofs with big eyes... maybe also ears? :)
For: from above contest
are you expecting lots of guests? I can give you the address...
For: hmmmmm contest
... in the famous Michelin restaurant guide
For: hmmmmm contest
For: carl reiner contest
in a common marketplace
For: veggies contest
I'm not sure a... cheese vignette is acceptable but maybe I'll make all of you smile!
meaning you intend to wound the receiver. Solution: pay with a little coin and get the brooch!!!
... I hope it won't work if it's a pretty hat... :)
what else can I say?...
For: elders contest
These are two Neolitic figurines: it seems all problems were already there...
This is a real orchid covered by lacquer and surrounded by a delicate gold thread. Can you think of something more fragile?