Too much white

For: january contest
Inspired by our ancestor, Eve
For: handmade contest
Happy New Year to all of you wherever you may be. May this year bring peace and understanding!
mercy, mellanieb! no more toe contest please, I almost fell from a chair! :)
For: toes contest
This is the small paradise I will buy tonight as soon as I win the Epiphany lottery! (ok... ok... you'll be invited!)
For: paradise contest
… there was (and still is) Nedda an 88-year old granny in Italy who has decided to fight her loneliness. So she learned to use internet and had a blog created for her. She says she has so many things to transmit to the others. For the last few years in fact she has written every day some advic...
For: paradise contest
For: three combo contest
3 garlic cloves, 1 chili pepper, 5 leaves of basil, 1 can of peeled tomatoes, 4 spoons of good olive oil, 500 gr of short pasta (see photo above) Put a saucepan on the gas fire with oil, garlic and chili until the garlic gets brownish. Squeeze the peeled tomatoes with a fork and pour them i...
For: three combo contest
Antonio Canova's "Abduction of Proserpina".
One day you go to a garden centre and buy two tiny kiwi plants because you would love to have fruit in your garden. You carefully plant, water, nourish and cuddle them. One year passes. Then another one, two, three... Nothing. No fruit. And then, seven years after one morning your kiwi pergola is fu...
in a quiet afternoon, in front of the Ponte Vecchio, on the Arno river. An experience to have once in a lifetime (more than once is even better :))