Winter bells
For: old camera contest
For: from below contest
Built in 312 a.C. the most famous Roman road connected Rome to Brindisi. The shot shows part of the original paving, including the tracks of the ancient carts.
For: roads contest
Located in Sapanta, Romania Each tombstone (all are light blue) tells the story, in alternate rhymes, of the dead person. There is also a "picture" showing something that had been very important during his/her life, for example having a bicycle.
For: graveyards contest
Two huge trees had fallen. No rain, no wind, it was a nice hot day. The big pine tree fell to the left, the high cupressus to the right, covering a street with heavy traffic.No one was killed but two French tourists were slightly wounded. They were quietly eating an ice cream on a bench next to the ...
For: chaos contest
... they just wouldn't tell me their names.
... but how do you get the bike right in the middle?
For: chaos contest
For: walls contest
The plant of capres only grows on very dry walls.
For: walls contest