1 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Steve1972
Steve1972 says:

The planet floating there is a great touch! gives the image a futuristic feel

(5 years and 3162 days ago)

unreal sunset scenery
avatar fille
fille says:

it will be more unreal when there flies naked woman... cheers!

(5 years and 3839 days ago)

unreal sunset scenery
avatar chakra1985

very nice

(5 years and 3839 days ago)

unreal sunset scenery
avatar Tuckinator

for being all ps .... some peaople have thrown you through thje ringer so im just gonna say good work and get out of here

(5 years and 3842 days ago)

unreal sunset scenery
avatar sparklen
sparklen says:

The sky needs work as does the planet........good concept

(5 years and 3843 days ago)

unreal sunset scenery
avatar jra
jra says:

Author you should try not to have so many dots, on my opinion you should have less dots but make them a little bigger to be able to tell them apart.

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

unreal sunset scenery
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

How did you make Saturn? You need to change its highlight to match the angle of light on the town...

(5 years and 3845 days ago)

unreal sunset scenery