The End Is Nigh

For: the final goodbye contest
For: perspective contest
For: photo tournament 5 round 1 contest
a slow shutter speed
For: corridors contest
For: a glass of contest
B+W of grass popping up and a park in the distance.
The fog below was at a perfect angle to give some perspective of some kind of a lake misting across the grass.
a sunset taken with caution.
foreground blurred to give a possible effect.
For: black & white still life....depicting contest
photo taken inside a dusty, black vase...
For: vase contest
A flash Of The Vases
For: vase contest
A flash in a bag of nuts gave me this photo.
In this photo I chose to give a little effect as an experiment when taking shots. Here, I have slightly pushed the camera forward to give "out of focus" type effect which you slightly see on the left hand side. I also did this effect as a slight portrait also.
the sun's out, under the tree. thought "why not?" :)
For: trees contest
A nice shot I took a year back... :)
For: i'm a bird contest