seashell closeup_4afd996c6c6b5

sbs: Set up: 15 pieces of a puzzle a black paper (as background). Lighting: 1 flashlight to light the repetitive pieces of the puzzle & one small led flashlight to "emphase" the one on the f/g. Settings: f:3.2 iso-100 2 sec exposure This is an abstract look of the expression&...
For: repetitive patterns contest
For: repetitive patterns contest
Can you believe that there is a chip flavour contest that has our coat of arms icons as its flavour??? Not the best shot but we don't have many things to choose from out in da bush
For: coat of arms contest
cropped, sharpened, contrast
For: animal love contest
Taken with my Canon XTI then color enhanced,cropped and sharpened using Photoscape!
For: animal love contest
Resting on the front door molding, these two have to make some decisions on direction.
For: animal love contest
The kiss of the prairie dogs
For: animal love contest
I'd chosen the angle very carefuly when taking this shot. Please comment.
For: cemeteries contest
For: cemeteries contest
This is an old yet historic cemetery located out in the country located in Bristol, Indiana
For: cemeteries contest
For: cemeteries contest
For: cemeteries contest
Desaturated a bit
For: cemeteries contest
For: reflections contest
For: reflections contest
Inverting the trees
For: reflections contest