The picture of the horse is mine thanks to ubik2010 for the image UNDERGROUND LIFE Thanks to ale paiva for the image ROOTS.
The picture of the horse is mine thanks to ubik2010 for the image UNDERGROUND LIFE Thanks to ale paiva for the image ROOTS.
Pictures are mine. no outside resources.
This is a special kind of crystal. we hope can support any kind of hit. thanks to vicbuster por the image KNIGHTS 1 thanks to do for the image MASAI 4 MALE
For: wormhole contest
thans to nkzs for the image water -...4 thanks to hamletnc for the image diver 2
For: mug mug contest
This is a called multiply photography. is very easy and you get great photos. the photos are mine. see sbs to see how I did it. first: you have to use a tripod to take the pictures, and be very carefuly not to move anything.
For: decisions decisions contest
I want to thank LilGoldWmn for the image. MOTHER AND SON HUG. I have always seen a picture where letters with the form of a human being, are huging a girl. and I always wondered how they did it. so I gave it a shot and tried to do the same. I didnt follow any tutorial.
thanks to escargotte for the image SNAILS thanks to ruidema79 for the image SLEEPING BEAUTY.
For: snails contest
thanks to dimitri c for the image COSMOS LIGHTING 2 the rest of the images are mine see sbs
thanks to apfelholz for the image FALSE FACES
thanks to dyet for the image JUMP thanks to arifhasan for the image SEA.
thanks to: eocs for the picture HOPE 1 bluephoto for the picture FROG. n9iknorris for fire 3 y fire 4 please view sbs.
For: fire animals contest
thanks to livienne for the image BLUE BAUBLE thanks to gesiek for the image SOAP BUBBLE.
For: tomato contest
thanks to vierdrie for pineapple image to rawku for bubble image to smicro for droplets 2 to quqacurado for tap drop series 3 image to krosty hxc for splash to rolve for water drops 2
For: splash fun contest
thanks to aleheredia for GOLDFISH image. to johnnyberg for MAINE COONS KITTENS. to sommadjin for PEI BEACH . to linder6580 for WATERFALL
For: violin contest
thanks to hortongrov for MY NEW BICYCLE image to shho for GULLS IN FLIGHT to daharrell for SQUIRREL MONKEY ON A WIRE. to theswedish for GOLD ANTIQUE FRAME. to rafaelfi for EAGLE OWL 3 to bertvthul for WALL GRUNGE TEXTURE WITH A CRACK
PLEASE VIEW IN HIGH RES. thanks to: labarbosa for BROKEN EGG bjay70 for MINIATURE GARDEN chewjoel for NEW LIFE 3 straymuse fors SINGLE STRAWBERRY ON WHITE gesiek for SOAP BUBBLE lumix2004 for LIFE 12 WEEKS
For: strawberry surrealism contest
thanks to OeilDenNuit for the image HARNESS
thanks to: leftfield1 for the RIVER image jana koll for CHATEAU image enqe 6560 for MULTNOMAH FALLS image. kamila t for KNIGHT ON A HORSE image
thanks to rory0223 for croatia2 thanks to hallenberg for english fox cub thanks to demordian for baby hands 12 thanks to rolve for the flight of the gulls 1 thanks to shho for gulls in flight thanks to duckworks for vizeses 2
For: fox home contest
thanks to sibaudio for the picture SNOWY DAY 1
For: indian river contest
thanks to casanna 1 for spellunking, anyone? thanks to asura for waterfall.
thanks to DSchaeffer for the jackrabbit image to bugdog for THE EAGLE IN FLIGHT image and to tonyclough for BIRD TALON. image. I hope this entry is on theme. its suposed to be a frozen image, where you can see both animals in the air.