Heart of a fly
A robot fly tends its huge mechanised egg pods. Thanks to nezbitten for the fly from sxc.hu (edit yipes i refitted his top leg!)
For: valencia contest
A robot fly tends its huge mechanised egg pods. Thanks to nezbitten for the fly from sxc.hu (edit yipes i refitted his top leg!)
For: valencia contest
only source and soft brush
For: tulips contest
Source only
For: meter guard contest
only source image used the crapy bubble brush is made by me plz watch SBS to know what parts of source been used
For: killer frog contest
For: curved arrow contest
The ears came from the tutorial at http://www.webdesign.org/img_articles/18015/Ears.zip
For: avatar mania contest
Thanks to Gustavo (lu7frb) for two of the butterflies and cmefish for the third one. Also thanks to lyom for the building and Cesar Guillotel for the metal texture.
Changed the tail from ext. image to PS work. Lot's of work here :) Ony eye is ext.
For: exotic plant contest
Only source
For: chandelier contest
the globe it was made with C4D...and i'll post SBS...work on it!!!!
Photoshop and source only. Please see high res
For: rings contest
Thanks to Zela and Marcus Ranum (http://www.ranum.com/) king - http://www.sxc.hu/photo/603938 man - http://mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/art/Violince-146480074 metal texture - http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=19965&PHPSESSID=f923850c30bb6b9b8f26ba86ba7727df queen - http://ww...
For: surrealism contest
Hi all.... please help me with ur fabulous comments.... to makeup this one..
For: papaya tree contest
only source image used
For: papaya tree contest
Combination Acrylic Painting and photoshop to create this image. The painting was done by me and is a 16"x20" Acrylic on canvas.
Rose, please veiw high res
For: glass contest
All done in CS2
For: fish contest
Pirate by Kordite @ Flickr. Hand by mishkuu @ DA. Background by SBishop @ Flickr. Please view High Resolution.
For: skeleton contest
I wanted to do something like this for a long time, and seeing the cross gave me the opportunity. No other sources used.
For: jesus cross contest