AI Hairdresser Anno 2050

A futuristic scene mixed with a 1970's feel of neon and plastic.
A futuristic scene mixed with a 1970's feel of neon and plastic.
For: easter eggs in 3d contest
A huge bucket filled with popcorn!
For: popcorn contest
Made with sculptris and Carrara 7pro,
For: awards contest
A Mini slowly deteriorating in the desert.My second attempt for the Mini Cooper contest from April 2011.
Tweaking all the lightsources (10 in total) to achieve a good balance in the scene was the most difficult part.
For: let there be light contest
For: ice cube contest
No external sources used.
For: spirit of christmas contest
For: sphere contest
Deleted a few parts and added others,and added shaders and texture maps. Software used:Carrara 7pro and Corel Photo Paint
For: mini cooper contest