8 comments given:
no avatar

Absolutely great!! I'm keeping this around as inspiration for some other stuff I'm doing. Like McDonalds: I'm lovin' it!!!

(5 years and 3878 days ago)

Cubistic Jelly Guitar
no avatar

You also might want to make the cue a little thinner. It looks too big compared to the hands. Creative. Nice work!

(5 years and 3878 days ago)

jelly snooker
no avatar

Thats really cool. Nice idea. Theres 2 things i would change about the shadows: 1 nice job on the shadows on the legs but they should all be going nearly the same direction. 2, make the shadow of the cup darker right where te cup meets the table. maybe try the same thing as you did with the legs (just an idea. that might be too much) Great job otherwise!

(5 years and 3878 days ago)

tea cup
no avatar

Thats really funny. Great work. You might want to play with the colors of the cat a tiny bit and add some yellow (not much). Theres a lot of ambient yellow and orange light, so that will make it feel a little more together. Use selective color and pay most attention to the whites since they most directly reflect the ambient light of the room.

(5 years and 3878 days ago)

Jello Again
no avatar

Nice pic! Try and adjust the colors on the bike and people a bit more to match the ambient light and contrast of the background image. Also, blurring the shadow of the bike in the areas that are farther away from the ground (i.e. the handlebars more blurred than the bottom of the tires) really adds realism to an image

(5 years and 3881 days ago)

no avatar

I agree with ponti and evan...the image is cool, but I'm not quite sure what's going on

(5 years and 3881 days ago)

Dive in
no avatar

I like it. Really funny. Though you should get rid of the fish in the glass. You wouldn't be able to see it if it were in the bubbles. Perhaps add a more-faint shadow of it on the left side of the glass where the light would shine through

(5 years and 3881 days ago)

Dinner and Drinks
no avatar

Blur the lines more in your pours. The repetition is cut off at a straight line which repeats and cuts off some of the bubbles. Go through with the blur tool or the copy tool and make them a little more smooth. Also fix the cup on the left like Akassa said. Good entry. Simple and creative

(5 years and 3883 days ago)

Pore More