6 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Drivenslush

Interesting take with the source author...good luck

(5 years and 1162 days ago)

Pointman VS Pushman
avatar Drivenslush

Love the title great job author.

(5 years and 1249 days ago)

Fest Briends
avatar Drivenslush

oh yeah, and your variant choices and blurring is great, really adds depth and some humor (especially the ship.. awesome)

(5 years and 1249 days ago)

Idea Ignition
avatar Drivenslush

Such a subtle change but a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE! Really locks the image together now.. more fun to look at and take in. Well for me anyway. Great job author. Now my eye doesn't jump all over the place, but moves from object to object as if taking in the scene instead of pop pop pop. Don't know if that makes sense, but then again, I never make sense so there ya go.

(5 years and 1249 days ago)

Idea Ignition
avatar Drivenslush

Give the girl some Alka Seltzer... she's gassy (couldn't resist)...

Great idea repeating the "Big Apple" but you might want to variant them a bit to give them more interest. Blurring the ones farther away will give them depth, but as this is a surrealistic contest... that's not really a factor. Having the same exact city in each apple is a bit repetitive and with SO MANY creative common cities available, a selection of different cites would really enhance this chop IMHO of course. Good luck .. now light a match.. hehehe

(5 years and 1251 days ago)

Idea Ignition
avatar madamemonty
Moderator says:

Thank you Author.

(5 years and 1276 days ago)

When Realities Collide Just pxleyes
avatar Drivenslush

To help you in making a Step by Step for your entry.. it's good to save your progress in a file you can recall later as you go along.. a Screen Capture program is a big help, so you can describe what you've done as you go along. Great to see your entry and good luck

(5 years and 1277 days ago)

When Realities Collide Just pxleyes
avatar madamemonty
Moderator says:

If no outside sources were used, please add a step by step or a description of how your entry was made.

(5 years and 1278 days ago)

When Realities Collide Just pxleyes
avatar Drivenslush

Simple side note.. to change the title of your entry (hehehe) just go to your profile/my entries and click the title and it will give you the option to make a more appropriate name. 97224 kind of sucks. hehehe

(5 years and 1286 days ago)

Lost in the forest
avatar Drivenslush

I may be wrong, but I think you used Scale or Distort to "Stretch her" (not sure as you have already blended her into everything and you have no step by step to show before and after)...using warp or puppet warp (which you might have used, once again I don't know is usually best to retain realism. I think you've done a very fine chop to be proud of. I really like the serendipity of the trees pattern gives off the allusion of the character's hair.. a happy accident or intentionally done really adds to the mystery. Good luck author

(5 years and 1286 days ago)

Lost in the forest
no avatar

agree , interesting effects. like it.

(5 years and 1286 days ago)

Lost in the forest
avatar Drivenslush

Interesting effects .. As this is ethereal, the stretching effect is okay, but it does distract a bit. I find myself just thinking she looks a bit stretched out in my minds eye... NOT a bad thing.. just giving you my opinion... good luck.

(5 years and 1287 days ago)

Lost in the forest